Boba Fett

One of the best bounty hunters in the galaxy.

Fett has worked on retainer for Jabba the Hutt
            as well as for the Empire. He is methodical in his tracking. While he doesn't seem to hold grudges against his prey,
that may be because he rarely loses his quarry. After
the Battle of Hoth, Darth Vader summons Fett along
with five other bounty hunters and offers a huge
bounty for Han Solo. Fett succeeds in tracking the
  Millennium Falcon to the Bespin system, and he
    helps Vader capture Solo, and then brings the onetime smuggler - frozen in carbonite - to Jabba the Hutt. In a fight
with Solo's friends atop the Great Pit of Carkoon, Fett falls into the mouth of the monstrous Sarlacc, to be digested
        over a period of a thousand years. Or is he?

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