
Jawas are dwarfish natives if Tatooine.

Tatooine is located in the Outer Rim Territories
of space, the desert planet Tatooine orbits two
suns, the binary stars known as Tatoo I and
Tatoo II.  Years before the birth of Anakin
Skywalker, mining colonies searched Tatooine
for precious minerals and ores.  Finding nothing
of value, many colonists fled the planet.
Their abandoned mining equipment and machinery
were claimed by the Jawas.  According to Jawa
folklore, the great Tatooine desert known as the
Dune Sea was once a true ocean.  Ancient
fossel-bearing rock and eroded canyons
seem to confirm the Jawas' stories, but most
people find it impossible to believe water
ever flowed on the planet's arid, sand-
covered surface.

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