Luke Skywalker

Luke's childhood was spent helping his aunt
  and uncle on their moisture farm and becoming
 a skillful pilot in his T-16 Skyhopper, shooting
 womp rats with good friends such as Biggs
 Darklighter. He had hoped to enter the
  Academy with Biggs, but his uncle Owen Lars
has held him back. Destiny brings the affairs of
the galaxy to young Skywalker's doorstep in the
 form of two droids that his uncle purchases,
  C-3PO and R2-D2. Thus starts an adventure
   that takes Luke on a voyage of self-discovery,
      with his bravery and commitment to the light
     side of the Force tested at every step.

       Luke constantly faces challenges that would
 test any mortal: The responsibility for either
     destroying the Empire's super weapon, the
 Death Star, or seeing it destroy the backbone
    of the Rebellion; learning patience at the hands
  of Jedi Master Yoda, yet having to choose
between completing his training or trying to
   rescue his imperiled friends; facing the
 horrifying truth of his parentage, and then
  instantly deciding what path to take; and finally
 taking the nearly unimaginable risk that there
 was still some goodness deep within the dark
soul of one of the galaxy's most evil warriors.

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