
This young Ewok helps the Rebel forces during
 the monumental Battle of Endor. Wicket W.
 Warrick is the youngest son of Ewoks Shodu
and Deej. Wicket has always shown a
     greater-than-usual curiosity to explore the

   When Imperials first come to Endor, the
  Ewoks are alarmed. Many want to declare war
  on them, but the Ewok leader, Chief Chirpa,
 reminds them that their spears couldn't hurt the
   Imperial fortresses, and that the invaders have
   machines that can fly through the air or burn the
  forests. But one night, as the villagers gather
      around the fires, young Wicket recounts how he
   had witnessed an AT-ST "walker" stumble on
  the rocks, fall, and explode. So the Ewoks do
 have a way to fight back, and they start
   preparing for battle.

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