In 1964, when I was very young, I purchased (with baby-sitting money!) my first show quality Dalmatian. Owner-handled she went on to complete her championship and get her C.D.
"Gem" lived up to her name and became a top producer in the breed and is behind many of the top winning and producing Dalmatians of today. In 30 years of owning and breeding Dalmatians
we produced numerous champions including Group and specialty winners. It was in 1988 that I first saw pictures of Chinese Cresteds and I knew I had to see these amazing creatures in the flesh (no pun intended!). Once we met a Crested we started the search for
one of our own. Our first Crested arrived in the winter of 1989 with our second arriving a year later. While these two made lovely pets (one even completed her championship) neither was the
quality we were looking for and both were neutered. When I had the good fortune to be at a show where CH. STAROUND JOSEPHENA was being shown I knew I had found what I was looking for!
"Josie" was an English import owned by Cornelia Crisp(Moptop). Cornelia not only put us in contact with "Josie's" breeder in England, but she allowed us the great privilage of leasing "Jo".
Josephena was bred to the then top winning Crested Ch. Gingery's Maple Syrup - producing a wonderful litter for us and we were on our way in this fascinating breed! A year later we bred another of our girls to Maple with equally successful results. We will forever be in Arlene's debt for allowing us, as total newbies to this breed, to use Maple.
We eventually imported a number of dogs from the UK that have been the basis of our successful breeding program.
We are extremely pleased
to say that several of our dogs have been honored by the American Chinese Crested Club as top producers. To date we have owned and/or bred over 75 Chinese Crested champions, many of them
Powderpuffs. We show at both AKC and UKC events on a regular basis and also venture into Canada on occasion. We are members of the American Chinese Crested Club, and Paw Power Blues Training Club. We try to place our puppies and young adults in homes where they will be active in various doggie events in addition to being a beautiful
couch ornament. We are proud to state that we are the owner/handler of the first Chinese Crested to obtain an Agility Championship and the breeder of the second Chinese Crested to obtain this title.
Both Casey (a Hairless) and Ricky (a Powderpuff) are also breed champions, obedience title holders, sires of champions, and both do therapy work at local nursing homes. We have not yet tried
tracking (tho at least one Crested has a T.D.!) or Flyball (relay hurdle racing - very, very exciting!!)but we may.....
[Our Champions 1992-2005] [Adventures of Casey and Ricky] [Our Award of Merit Winners][Chinese Crested Standards] [BAER Hearing Test] [ Chinese Crested Clubs] [Closed Ear Canals] [The Many Faces of Crested Grooming][Dry Eye] [Health and Care] [Magazines and Books] [Phantom's Pages] [Crested Rescue] [Hank's Page] [Superintendents] [Cookies!!] [The BEST Shampoos !] [Available Pups or Young Adults!] [What color IS "Slate"]