by G. Richard Fisher, Paul R. Blizard and M. Kurt Goedelman
The Indiana Medical Licensing Board"s hearing concluded and a "Findings Of Fact, Conclusions of Law & Order" was issued. The eight-page report called for the immediate revocation of Rebecca"s medical license. Among the most telling excerpts are: 8. That on numerous occasions Respondent [Rebecca] has knowingly and intentionally misdiagnosed her patients including, but not limited to her patients by the names of Edna Elaine Moses, a/k/a Elaine Moses, a/k/a Elaine Bailey (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Edna Elaine Moses"), Claudia Moses, Lucia Lively, Luccinda Sisson, Kelly Sisson, Cheryl Maynard, and two (2) patients identified only as "V.B." and "K.W."
9. That the "misdiagnosis" referred to in "Finding of Fact" no. 8 above, included misdiagnosing alleged leukemia, various disorders, gall bladder disease, brain tumors and various other ailments and conditions all of which Respondent stated were allegedly caused by demons, devils and other evil spirits.
10. That in fact, the patients referred to in "Finding of Fact" no. 8 above, were not suffering from the diagnosed ailments and conditions referred to in "Finding of Fact" no. 9, above.
11. That on numerous occasions Respondent stated to her patients that she was "chosen" by God as the only physician able to diagnose certain ailments and conditions which other physicians could not because the other physicians, including physicians from Ball Memorial Hospital in Muncie, Indiana and St. John's Medical Center in Anderson, Indiana, were, in fact, "demons, devils and other evil spirits" themselves.
12. That Respondent was inappropriately treating Edna Elaine Moses' purported leukemia with massive doses of Demerol and Phenobarbitol to the point where the patient would tolerate 600 to 900 cc injections of Demerol, a drug dose of which is normally in the 150 to 200 cc range, and up to three times the recommended therapeutic dose of Phenobarbitol.
13. That Respondent gave Claudia Moses, a 15-year-old mentally impaired daughter of Edna Elaine Moses who possesses the intellectual age of an 8-year-old, numerous injections of Demerol for alleged "nausea" and allowed Claudia to administer injections of Demerol to herself.
14. That on numerous occasions the Respondent would supply her patients with excessive amounts of legend drug and/or controlled substances without any explanation, instruction, or appropriate charting.
15. That numerous patients of the Respondent had to undergo detoxification and withdrawal from the excessive amounts of legend drug and/or controlled substances which the Respondent was prescribing and/or administering without valid therapeutic reasons.
16. That while Edna Elaine Moses was under the immediate care and treatment of Respondent, the family of Edna Elaine Moses had to have Edna admitted to St. Vincent's Hospital Emergency Room in Indianapolis, Indiana and subsequently committed to LaRue Carter Hospital in Indianapolis, Indiana, for detoxification from the excessive amounts of controlled substances which Respondent was prescribing and administering for Edna"s purported leukemia and for treatment of the multiple infections, including infections of her urinary tract and infections of various catheters including a "Hickman" catheter used to facilitate the administration of intravenous medications and also for treatment of externally caused lesions...
20. That Respondent has stated on numerous occasions that she possessed the capability of "sharing" her patients" illnesses in fighting the demons, devils and other evil spirits that were allegedly causing the various ailments and conditions and that she was, in fact, "sharing" Edna Elaine Moses' leukemia.
21. That without a valid therapeutic reason the Respondent selfdiagnosed and self-medicated herself with non-therapeutic amounts of Demerol for her "leukemia" that she was allegedly "sharing" with Edna Elaine Moses and also for treatment of an alleged malignant brain tumor and myasthenia gravis.
22. That Respondent has been witnessed routinely receiving nontherapeutic doses of at least 3 ccs of Demerol on an hourly basis by injecting herself in the backs of her hands, the inside of her thighs, or wherever she could locate a suitable vein.
23. That the Board-appointed psychiatrist who examined the Respondent and reviewed statements made by her patients diagnosed the Respondent as suffering from acute personality disorders including demonic delusions and/or paranoid schizophrenia.
Finally, based upon the foregoing "Findings of Fact," the Board then made its "Conclusions of Law," about Rebecca, which included findings of her:
"(D) addiction or severe dependency upon alcohol or other which endangers the public by impairing a practitioner"s ability to practice safely...
(3) Prescribing or administering a drug for other that generally accepted therapeutic purposes; and,
(4) Gross negligence in the practice of medicine."
The most important point of the medical report is the divulging of Demerol overdoses by both Elaine and Rebecca. Addiction to Demerol, a depressant, has clearly identifiable side effects. The Essential Guide to Prescription drug describes the side effects of a Demerol overdose: "Disorientation, hallucinations, unstable gait, paradoxical behavioral disturbances may suggest psychotic disorder." The Guide goes on: "weakness, fainting, disorientation, dizziness, impaired concentration, dependence, confusion, convulsions."
It is impossible to determine how much, if any, real contact with Satan Elaine and Rebecca had while under the influence of drugs. But one can be sure that their drug -influenced states brought no direct revelation from God. Both were feeding and fueling the interpretations of their addictions. Rebecca and Elaine's perception of the facts and personal experiences are akin to the image one sees in a fun house mirror -- the image is there but is a complete distortion of reality.
Rebecca's and Elaine's story, as told to Chick, with its extrabiblical claims and sinful origins cause it to be found wanting when held up to the standard of God's Word. Further we cannot ignore the vast amount of documentation and testimony given by police, doctors, lawyers, family members and acquaintances; nor can we give heed to the claim that they are part of Satan's ploy to discredit Rebecca and Elaine.
Ruth Bailey's medical career had been cut short as she had "deteriorated into a woman plagued by drug addiction, religious extremism and a belief that patients and colleagues were possessed by devils. (71)
Jack Chick continues to deceive the public with his promotion of questionable and sensationalistic testimonies. The advancement as such in no was edifies the body of Christ. It appears Chick has, himself, fallen prey to Satan's wiles. Let's hope in the future he acknowledges the sordid and suspicious past of these ladies and admits he has been deceived. Our prayer, too, is that Rebecca and Elaine will repent of the lies and deceptions which cause evil suspicions among Christians and serve to harm the church.
2. See further, The Journal of Pastoral Practice, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 99-103; Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 83-88; Christianity Today, Feb. 2, 1979, pp. 38-42; The New Logos Journal, March/April 1979, pp. 67-69; Cornerstone magazine, Vol. 9, Issue 53, pp. 29-31.
3. Rebecca Brown, MD, He Came To Set The Captives Free, Chick Publications, Chino, Calif., 1986, pg. 56.
4. ibid., pg. 61.
5. ibid., pg. 62.
6. ibid., pg. 63.
7. ibid.,pg. 79.
8. ibid.
9. ibid., pg. 80.
10. ibid., pg. 82.
11.ibid., pg. 92.
12. Rebecca Brown, MD, Prepare For War, ChickPublications, Chino, 1987, pg. 17. 13. ibid.
14. ibid., pg. 16.
15. ibid., pg. 18.
16. ibid.
17. ibid., pg. 226.
18. ibid., pg.32.
19. ibid.
20. Captives, pg. 101.
21. ibid., pg. 99.
22. Prepare, pg. 224.
23. ibid.
24. ibid., pg. 225. 25. Jerry Johnston, Edge of Evil, Rise of Satanism in North America, Word Publishers, Dallas, 1989, pg. 173.
26. San Bernardino,California County Clerk Document, number VCV 009038.
27.Application For License To Practice Healing Art By Examination submitted by Ruth Bailey to Medical Licensing Board of Indiana, #76607, date issued 8/14/79.
28. Captives, pg. 8.
29. Application for License, op. cit. 30. Letter from Indiana University School of Medicine to Ball Memorial Hospital Muncie, IN, July 9, 1979.
31. Captives, pg. 101.
32. Indianapolis News, Sept. 21, 1984; pg. 5. 33. Interview with Detective Samuel E. Hanna and Captain Tim R. Davis, Madison County, Ind., Police, June 1989; tape on file.
34. Finding of Fact, no. 11, Ruth Bailey, M.D., Before Medical Licensing Board of Indiana Cause #83 MLB 038. 35. Captives, pg. 9.
36. ibid., pg. 9. 37. Finding of Fact, no. 20, Cause #83 MLB 038. 38. San Bernardino, California, County Clerk Document, number VCV009037.
39. Closet Witches 1, side two, Chick Publications, Chino, Calif.
40. State's Exhibit #22, "In-Patient Admissions, and "History & Physical" reports for Moses, Edna E., Medical Record No. 89477.
41. Captives, pg. 27.
42. ibid., pg. 28.
43. ibid., pg. 32.
44. Chesterfield Lives - Spiritualist Camp 1886-1986 Our First 100 Years; self-published; 1986.
45. Captives, pg. 29.
46. New Castle High School Yearbook 1965, pg. 51, New Castle, Ind.
47. Captives, pg. 92.
48. Application for Marriage License, State of Indiana, Henry County Book 54, pg. 586.
49. State of Indiana, Henry Circuit Court - January term 1967, Cause # 67-C-92.
50.States Exhibit #22, op. cit.
51. Captives, pp. 62-63.
52. Closet Witches 2, side two; Chick Publications, Chino.
53. ibid.
54.Findings of Fact, no. 11, Cause #83 MLB 038.
55. Prepare, pg.224.
56. While St. John's Hospital would neither confirm nor deny its financial assistance in establishing Rebecca's (Ruth Bailey's) private practice, States Exhibit #16 (St. John's Medical Center, Anderson, Indiana Chronology - Doctor Ruth Mailey (sic) records a September 20, 1983 interview between and Rebecca (Ruth Bailey) and hospital administrator Sister Michaeleen in which Rebecca "expressed concern about her finances and how much she owed the hospital particularly." Further Lapel, Ind., residents and police officials (Detective Samuel E. Hanna interview) indicate St. John's financial involvement in Rebecca's opening a general medical practice in Lapel. Finally, following her exodus from Lapel, possession of the house which served as Rebecca's medical office was transferred within a six week time period from Rebecca to the State Bank of Lapel to St. John's Hospital (records from Madison County, Indiana, Book 619, Pages 216 and 740).
57.ibid., pg. 166.
58. The Lapel Review, Lapel, Ind., May 26, 1982. 59. States Exhibit #16, Saint John's Medical Center, Anderson, Ind., Chronology -- Dr. Ruth Mailey (sic), pp. 1-6.
60. Prepare, pg. 224.
61. ibid.
62. ibid.
63. ibid.
64. ibid., pg. 225.
65. ibid., pg. 224.
66. Official Copy of Certificate of death #08291, Lois M. Bailey.
67. Prepare, pg. 224.
68. Case Complaint Report Madison County Police #83-K-4001.
69. Emergency Suspension, in the Matter of Ruth Bailey, M.D., License No. 29402, received Mar. 15, 1984 by the Health Professions Service Bureau.
70. Affidavits of pharmacists from Marsh Pharmacy, Anderson, Ind.; Hollon's Drugs, Anderson; Lapel Drug Store, Lapel, Ind.; and Gene Maddy Drugs, Anderson.
71. Indianapolis News, Sept. 21, 1984, pg. 1.