Announcements (July 18, 1999)
1. Our two-bit collection this weekend is for the University of Washington Newman Center. The U of W Newman Center is directed by Dominican Priests and is at the service of Catholic students attending the University.
2. Thank you for your donations to Project Vamos in Mexico. $721 were contributed to help the needy in Mexico.
3. There will be a Vigil for Life at Blessed Sacrament Church on Saturday, August 7. Mass will begin at 9:30 a.m. followed by a peaceful prayer vigil in front of Planned Parenthood.
4. Your prayers are requested for Michael Perez, nephew of Armando Perez. Michael was involved in an accident and is in intensive care. His uncle, Armando Perez, is a seminarian of the Archdiocese of Seattle who spent the past two summers here at Holy Family.
5. We also request your prayers for Derek Lappe who will be ordained a deacon next Sunday. Those who wish to attend the ordination in Longview can obtain directions from the parish office.
6. Derek is planning a couple of activities for the youth of Holy Family Parish: an evening for the altar servers, August 24, 5-7:30 p.m. and a Saturday for high school age boys, August 14, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.. Full details will be in next Sunday's bulletin.
7. Also Derek will be visiting homes for blessings and enthronement of the Sacred Heart. Please sign up on the sheets on the table in the vestibule of the church.
8. Please register for the parish pictorial directory after Mass today.