Breastfeeding and Other Courses

Certified Lactation Consultant Liane Bruneau, R.N., teaching course on
Breastfeeding and Natural Family Planning

Obst. Luz M. Marron teaching course in Quechua in rural community

Liane Bruneau teaching Sexual Education Course

Natural Family Planning Course in Ilave

Obst. Luz Marron addressing NFP Instructors at National Conference in Huaraz

Ziola teaching course to University Students

Alejandra Chire Leon Preparing skit at retreat

Liane watching Celedonia spin wool

Fr. Gary Gordon Pastor of St. Mary's Chiliwack, B.C., February 1998 Visit.

Children of Mary Bloom Center

Pictures of Teaching Natural Family Planning at Mary Bloom Center

Pictures of Clothes Distribution (October 1998)

New Baby in Puno!

August 1999 Breastfeeding Course

Other Pictures from Peru

What is the Mary Bloom Center?


**Q. What business does government have in regulating medical procedures? Isn't this a private matter? A. Here is a short list of seven areas where government regulates medical practice in Washington state.

Former Pro-Life Democrats

A Challenge to Our Pro-Choice Friends

Picture from March for Life (January 17, 2002; Olympia)

Post-Abortion Healing

Abortion and Early Church Teaching

An impassioned Pro-Choice response.

The fate of the aborted child

The overpopulation question.

Gen 1:28 - Have we "filled the earth"?

From Abortionist to Catholic: Bernard Nathanson, M.D..

Abortion and Forgiveness.

The question of conscience.

How this issue relates to Salvation.

Relation of Abortion to Birth Control.

Homily on Birth Control and Abortion.

Does Birth Control solve or cause Poverty?

The Moral Law and the Existence of God.

Holy Week Reflection (Abortion and Immigration)

From Sarah: "Do you honestly believe that making abortion illegal will solve the problem?" (Clear Thinking about Crucial Issues)

He Approached the Victim: "It's much more likely one of your relatives will lose his life by surgical abortion than by heart attack."

Stem Cell Research: Teaching of Bible & Catholic Church

Germaine Greer on Birth Control

Human Cloning: A Catholic Perspective (How the Unthinkable Became Inevitable)


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