1. From Ann: A question about Homosexuality.
2. From Lillie: Why does the Church cling to the Celibacy Requirement? (With Response from Ricardo.)
3. From Chas Walker: "How can you base your arguments on a religious myth?" (This refers back to the women's ordination article.) Reply
4. From Kevin: "Why are some people born with physical disabilities?" and "Why does God not answer prayers with certainty?" Reply
5. From Ken Stuart: Further questions on birth control. (Cf. previous article and correspondence.) Reply. Also see response from Eric
6. From Felix Meyer (Chile): A question on Overpopulation. (With Reply).
7. Also on the subject of Population from Bill Hoogsteden Father of Nine.
8. Pedophilia re-visited.
9. What does the Catholic Church teach about the Death Penalty?
10. Follow-up letter on Birth Control from Ken Stuart to Art Lytle and Response from Art.
11. From Bill: How can the Virgin Mary be Sinless?
12. From a Wisconsin College Student: Has Medicine gone too far? Includes question about the environment.
13. Bob asks: How do dinosaurs fit into the seven days of creation? Response from Eric based on City of God by St. Augustine.
14. A letter challenging my position on overpopulation.
15. Religion and Science (from T.S. Nyunt).
16. Fr. Armando: the Priest Shortage.
17. The kind of letter I love receiving!
18. From Chris: Dialogue and dissent.
19. Carlos: On Immigration.
20. From Clayton (Boulder, CO, high school student) on Overpopulation.
21. Jim Owens: a question about social nudism.
22. Questions from Bobbi about Heaven and Hell. "I have been talking to a Jehovah's Witness..."
23. Ken Lester: Cornell student discerning vocation to the priesthood.
24. Andy McAlpin: Entering seminary in Minnesota.
25. Susan: College student with encouraging words re: role of women, birth control, etc.
26. Joe: Abuses in Liturgy and Theological Teaching.
27. From Fran: A question about raising Teenage Sons in the Catholic Faith.
28. Brian Carnell: On Overpopulation.
29. Ravyn: If heaven is so great, why are you against abortion?
30. Charlotte: A Question about Annulments.
31. Can you give me Biblical quotations that prohibit Pedophilia?
32. Scott Rogge: Priesthood and Fatherhood.
33. The Disney Boycott.
34. Letter from Eric on Natural Family Planning. "My wife and I decided to live in accordance with the church's teaching regarding this matter..."
35. From Tarlac Philippines. Charismatic Renewal.
36. From Joe: in favor of Women Priest.
37. Testimony from local Young Adult.
38. To C.: How to become a Catholic, plus question about marriage case.
39. Responding to "shock" questions.
40. From P.H.: Can you tell me if Jesus ever drank wine himself? And if he did drink, was the wine he drank alcoholic?
41. Fan mail from a Baptist.
42. From George: Science and divine punishment.
43. Correspondence with Rick about our relationship to the dead.
44. From "Reyna": "What makes you so egotistical...?" (Do we have a right to impose our abortion views on others?)
45. From Fr. Joe: Misuse of the term science.
46. Why should I believe in Christianity?
47. From Rich S.: Should B.C./A.D. be replaced by bce/ce?
48. Correspondence with T.: Abortion and Forgiveness.
49. Divorce second wife to be able to receive communion?
50. Question about the Mission statement "The Church proposes. She imposes nothing.
51. From Jim, re: What Every Catholic Couples Should Know.
52. From Aaron (ucsc) Project Rachel (post-abortion healing).
53. From Zev Lagstein, M.D., Re: Evolution
54. From Wanda: Should I leave the Church if I disagree with its teachings?
55. Question about Liturgical abuses.
56. From Marcelo-Brasil: An accusation of homphobia.
57. From Seth: Mary as "Co-Redemptrix".
58. From Kathleen T. Choi: Vatican Wealth
59. Where do I find the papal statement on Women Priests
60. Response to "What girls everywhere dream about..."
61. From Joyce: Communion for Divorced and Re-Married?
62. From Margarita: How would you define Contraception? (Includes comment on "Morning-After Pill")
63. From T.: A friend's suicide
64. From Daniel: Please recommend a handful of books on Catholicism for my future reading
65. From P.: Valid Form for Consecration at Mass?
66. From L.: I am a non-practicing Catholic. Can I Get Married in the Church?
67. From Susan: Confession of Sins Before Easter Sacraments?
68. "I disagree with your views on Women Priests
69. From a Catholic Journalist
70. From Skip in Nova Scotia. Re: Miracles--Touched by God
71. Re: Confession before becoming Catholic (When one has commited a sin which would cause excommunication)
72. From Larry: Did Jews Kill Christ?
73. From Steph: Necessity of Baptism and Confession?
74. From E: Re: Birth Control & Confession
75. From Chris: "Stop Being Judgmental!"
76. From John: A question about Self Disclosure
77. From Don: Is there an after life for dogs?
78. From T.: Lawfulness of oral sex?
79. From Erik: A list of books about St. Augustine?
80. From Janet: The goal of Man's Search
81. From Eileen: Would Meatless Fridays be a real Sacrifice?
82. From Fr. Daniel Adner: A Catholic Website from Sweden
83. From Chrishan: A question about Purgatory
84. From Heidi: Your views on women priests are certainly outdated.
85. From Bruce: Catholic Biblical Quarterly on Women Priests.
86. From Patrick Coffin: Priestesses?
87. From Josh: Authority of the Church: "How are we to know whether we should follow the Church or not on any given matter? If there is a teaching of the Church that an individual disagrees with, must that individual leave the Church?"
88. From Sommers: Overpopulation, Environment and Evolution: "as far as I'm concerned, preserving the planet that supports us should be our number one priority."
89. From Audra: Some questions on overpopulation
90. From Howard: A novelist with a question about cloning
91. A question about my review of Man of the Century (The "embarrassingly external" piety of Pope John Paul II).
92. To a Woman who Had an Abortion
93. From Richard (re: my comments on Secular Humanism): Accusations of "arrogance" and "canned rhetoric."
94. From Godwin: about Moral Law Essay ("the reason I became an atheist...")
95. From James: A question about Overpopulation and Environment. "Personally, I believe that we humans have a negative impact on the environment."
96. From Rev. Sarah Wood ("Witches For Life"): in support of article on abortion.
97. From David Carey, Professor of Philosophy (Whitman College) The Great Book of the Twentieth Century.
98. From Craig Nim: A Response to Dave Stark
99. From Pete: Nothing Sacred and St. Patrick's Breastplate
100. Question about Masturbation
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