Francisco Condori suffers from a spine problem ("congenital vertebral paralysis") which has disabled his legs. In addition his kidneys do not function properly causing a cronic urinary tract infection. In spite of his condition, he keeps a smile on his face.
Below are some pictures of Francisco being examined by Obst. Luz Marrón, Director the Mary Bloom Center in Puno, Peru. After talking with his father (pictured below) it was decided to send him to Lima for further examinations and treatment. The cost was about $200. If you can help Francisco and his family, please send your contribution to:
A check can be made out to "Holy Family Parish" with "Mary Bloom Center" in the memo. I thank you for any help you can send.
Francisco Condori with Obst. Luz M. Marrón Roque
(Photos by Lucrecia Perez)
Francisco with his father.
Recent Pictures of Francisco (May, 1999)