Thank you and God Bless You and please continue to post your homilies. They
are wonderful.
Your parish is truly blessed.
Dear John,
I wish I could get my brother priests more enthused about the confessional ministry - and also get more laity to take advantage of the opportunities that do exist. I think many priests have gotten discouraged and see individual confessions as a burden, which of course in one way it is, but a very satisfying one because it is an opportunity to touch people's lives deeply. It would be great if each diocese had a number of centers where people always knew there would be priests available to hear individual confessions. We have started having Saturday morning and first Thursday confessions (6-8 p.m.) as well as after Wed. evening Masses. The response has been positive, but I am also aware that the majority of my parishioners have not been to individual confession for many years.
Those are some of my ideas, John. Feel free to share them with your parish priest or bishop.
God bless you - and your family.
Fr. Phil Bloom
********** We Are Church Slogan
Need for Dogma
Dissent and the Catechism
C.S. Lewis: To Dissenting Priests Catholic Teaching on Birth Control
The Crisis of the Catholic University
The Abortion Issue.
Homily on Abortion and Homosexuality
The Challenge of Secular Humanism
The Religion of our Culture: Naturalism
The Catholic Church: Founded by Jesus
Hitler's Pope: Comic Book Approach to Church History Pictures from Ordination of Deacon Armando Perez (Holy Family Parish, July 15, 2001)
Resources to combat the New Age
John _____, D.V.M.