"Is this a 'JUST WAR', or approved by the Pope in any manner?"

Hi Father,

We are very puzzled with the US siege and imminent war preparation to attack Iraq. Is this justified? What are the Vatican's views on this. Is this a 'JUST WAR', or approved by the Pope in any manner?

Your's in Christ.



I have been trying to address this in recent homilies. (No Refuge and Time of Judgment) As you can see, I do not have any clear answers - and am in great anguish over this war. I would appreciate any comments or questions.

Other Questions

Homily on 1998 Strike on Iraq

Cardinal Laghi's Statement Following Meeting with Bush

Bishop Gregory's Statement on War with Iraq

Military Intervention in Iraq and International Law

Bombs Explode Near Chaldean Patriarchate

Papal Nuncio Visiting War Casualties

Catholic Relief Services in Iraq
