Dear Ben*
About Magdalene Sisters: I read the article you recommended, as well as a couple of others. One reviewer noted: "the characters are entirely fictitious, but nevertheless you get epilogues at the end stating what happened to the girls in their later lives (She now lives in London, married and divorced three times etc..)."
Also the movie apparently has a scene where the camera focuses on the girls’ naked breasts and pubic hair. That no doubt will guarantee a large audience. People can get their thrills and at the same time feel self-righteous about the terrible Catholic Church. Is that what you want, Ben?
Evidently a lot of people do because anti-Catholic pornography has been very popular in our culture. The Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk sold 300,000 copies in the U.S. before the civil war. It was a fabrication but folks wanted to believe it – and of course it appealed to their prurient appetites. Today newspapers boost their circulation by printing equally lascivious accounts of clergy sex abuse. But they have focused almost exclusively on the Catholic Church. Why? Because there a lot folks like you who hate the Church and who are ready to believe anything negative about her.
Before throwing more stones, Ben, you should take a look at what is happening in your Protestant Bible churches.
For my money I will take the movie on St. Therese. Unlike the Magdalene Sisters, she is not fictitious – and if you see that movie, you will come away uplifted, not degraded.
Fr. Bloom
previous correspondence from Ben
Catholic League Review of Magdalene Sisters
Catholic Home Study Resources The Christian Conscience - Ecumenical Website
About Former Priests Who Attack Catholic Church
Pedophilia and Teaching of Bible
Other Letter regarding Boston Scandal
Letter from Former Catholic
Is Peter Second Most Important Person in New Testament?
"you want Holy Priests, then we must adopt them..."
"I would still like to see him stay"
What Jewish People Said About Pius XII
Historian Refutes Claims of "Hitler's Pope"
Mit Brennender Sorge
Encyclical on the Church and the German Reich
March 14, 1937
Letter to Brill's Content Was Pius XII Hitler's Pope?
Nazi Policy and the Catholic Church by KAROL JOZEF GAJEWSKI
Germaine Greer on Birth Control
Human Cloning: A Catholic Perspective (How the Unthinkable Became Inevitable)
Other Questions
*-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Grimm
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2003 7:01 AM
To: Father Phil Bloom
Subject: Your Filthy Institution
Revelation 18:4
-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Grimm
Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2003 12:15 PM
To: Father Phil Bloom
Subject: RE: Your Filthy Institution
I guess that makes it all better now doesn't it Phil?
Sweep all the deceit, bad, rape and false doctrines
under the Roman rug and send out a St. Therese movie.
I will pray for your sick mind..