We begin Holy Week by joining those who cry out “May his blood be upon us!” (Mt 27:25) The cry has two meanings.
On the most obvious level, it signifies acceptance of guilt. Even today we speak about someone having “blood on his hands,” that is, he committed the crime. Modern DNA tests can establish guilt with the tiniest amount of blood – and even after many years. Although at first it seems hard to believe, today’s readings are a theological DNA test which indicates that you and I have Jesus’ blood on our hands. My sins and yours placed him to the cross. When you think about it, only one option remains – to accept our guilt and to plead for mercy.
That plea leads irresistibly to the second significance of Jesus’ Blood. To call his blood upon us is to ask for the Divine Mercy. That is what I recommend to you this Holy Week. Many will be making the Divine Mercy Novena starting this Friday. I invite you to join them. I have printed in the bulletin how to say the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and the intentions for each of the nine days. The Novena begins Good Friday and concludes on “Divine Mercy Sunday,” that is, the Sunday after Easter. On that day we hear the Gospel where Jesus institutes the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
As part of the Divine Mercy Novena, you are encouraged to receive that Sacrament, to make a good confession. The Thursday after Easter (April 4) we will have priest confessors available in our church from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Now is the time to call Jesus’ Blood upon you, to acknowledge your guilt and to allow his ocean of mercy to flow over you.
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