Parish Statistics

(Holy Family, Seattle, July 1998 thru June 1999)

53 Marriages

40 Funerals

250 Baptisms

58 Confirmations (incl. Easter Vigil)

117 First Penance & First Communion for Children

(From Annual Report, July 1, 1998 - June 30, 1999)


Mass Count

(weekend of Sept. 25-26, 1999)


5 p.m.: 325
7 p.m.: 178


8 a.m.: 290
9:30..: 146
11:00.: 455
12:30: 1045
3 p.m.: 219 (Filipino Mass)

Total: 2658


In 1995 Holy Family had 34 funerals, 23 marriages and 192 baptisms (the most of any parish in the Archdiocese that year). Our total weekend Mass attendance was 1791.