             "Power of Love"


Phen. Againist Violence
This Website Is
Participating In The Phenomenal Women Of The Web - Against Domestic Violence.
"Official Seal"

*Before we can seek that, which is known as peace,
we must first find peace within ourselves, for how else are
we to recognise it in others, if we don’t already have it
within us*

Things That "Tick" Me Off!!!

At the Bottom of this page, there is a link to, "Important Stuff" part I, &
"More Important Stuff" part III by GTM. Please check out these pages to...Thanks!

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Violence Against Women

A Candlelight Vigil Accross The Internet

On December 6th, 7 years ago, 14 women were killed for being "feminists" at the Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal. This tragedy in Canadian history has not been forgotten. Their aim is to bring awareness of violence againist women accross the nation and going throughout cyber-space, by presenting this vigil accross the internet. In memory of women everywhere whose lives have been affected by violence, please place a candle image on your web page now.


Simply click on the image size you'd like, then click on "File" then "Save As" and save the file.

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Remember The Innocent

In honor of the wounded, lost and families of Littleton Colorado.

May these candles be our way of holding you in our hearts and prayers
after this terrible tragedy that all the citizens of Littleton, CO.
April 20,1999
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Please feel free to take these candles and add them to your page
in Memory of all the students of
Columbine High School.
Let this candle continue to flicker and remind the world
of what happened on the day and that you will never be

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Words can not express the nature of the extremely hideous act done to this innocent child!!!

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Child Abuse


The increasing reports on child abuse are alarming. Of the estimated hundreds of thousands of children battered each year by a parent or relitive, thousands die. For those who survive, the emotional trauma remains long after the external bruises have healed. Sometimes, the emotional damage to abused children does not surface until adolences or later, when many abused children become abusing parents. An adult who was abused as a child has trouble gaining personal relation- ship with a tendency to see all other adults as potential abusers. These men and women "cannot stand to be touched". Without proper treatment, they can be damaged for life. Children who have been abused may display: 1. A poor self-image; 2. Inability to depend on, trust or love others; 3. Aggressive and disruptive-sometimes illegal behavior; 4. Passive and withdrawn behavior; fear of entering into new relationships or activities; 5. School failure; 6. Serious drug and alcohol abuse.


Tear Drop Project

Please show your support for the all of physically,emotionally and sexually abused children of the world,by putting one of these teardrops on your homepage or in your e-mail signature. I adopted the symbol of the teardrop in sympathy for all of the desperate and lonely tears shed by the children who,day after day and night after night, silently endure the pain inflicted on them by their heartless abusers. Thank you for your support.


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Sexual Harrassment

The simple difination of sexual harrassment is "unwanted sexual attention." This attention may come in a number of forms: verbal, written, graphic, or physical. Any type of conduct which enhances the sexuality, gender, or sexual orientation of a person and creates for that person an offensive, intimadating or hostile learning, working or learning enviroment is sexual harassment.

The harassment is more threating if submission to or acceptance of such behavior is made in the persons employment or academic status.

Both male and female are victims and perpertrators of sexual harrassment. It can occur between members of the oppisite or same sex. Although sexual harrassment often occurs where there is real or preceived power. It can also occur among peers.

Remember: You have the right to learn and work in an enviromient free of abuse and concern!

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Child Abduction


Nobody wants to beleive that their child will ever becoming missing, but nearly two million children become missing every year. That's three every minute. When a child becomes missing, the ability to positively idenitify that child becomes critical.

The "Video Registration Service" offered by Child Shild, USA provides the highest level of identification record available. Unlike a still photo or thumb print, a properly prepared video gives so much more to go on. Characteristics of voice, manner, and motion can greatly improve the likilhood that someone may remember seeing the child which is what it takes to safetly return missing chilren to their families.

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Uncle Sam

Call 1-800-BE-ALERT to Report Child Poronagraphy

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zcps        green ribbon

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Click below to find Information on Missing Children

"We support the work of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children"

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Do your part..if you seen any of this it...please!

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Please visit his site on abuse as well, and read his tragic story on a Drunk Driver.

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Stop the Hate

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"Important Stuff"...part I by GTM

"More Important Stuff"...part III

GTM..with all the Love I have to give...Thanks for all the help and support you've given me on making these pages, and then adding to them.

"Lets DO IT!!!"...part IV

(...more important matters to me.)

"Prayers For Our Little Ones"...part V

(This page is dedicated to termially ill children.)


Please sign the guestbook if you have pages similar to this, or let me know how you feel. Thank you....~Unique~

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