Words can not express the nature of the extremely hideous act done to this innocent child!!!
Child Abuse
The increasing reports on child abuse are alarming. Of the estimated hundreds
of thousands of children battered each year by a parent or relitive, thousands
die. For those who survive, the emotional trauma remains long after the
external bruises have healed.
Sometimes, the emotional damage to abused children does not surface until
adolences or later, when many abused children become abusing parents.
An adult who was abused as a child has trouble gaining personal relation-
ship with a tendency to see all other adults as potential abusers. These
men and women "cannot stand to be touched". Without proper treatment,
they can be damaged for life.
Children who have been abused may display:
1. A poor self-image;
2. Inability to depend on, trust or love others;
3. Aggressive and disruptive-sometimes illegal behavior;
4. Passive and withdrawn behavior; fear of entering into
new relationships or activities;
5. School failure;
6. Serious drug and alcohol abuse.