Cyber Baahbles

If you are trying to reach TXJune..... I changed ISP's and my new email addy is:
I'm trying to get everything updated and changed. ;-)

YES!!!!! Can you believe it...I'm finally updating. CyberPorch is still here; but I have a new hobby now!!! Making soap and other toiletries. And my new goats. LOL Yep, I make goat milk soap too. ;-) Anyway, I'll be working on Cyberbaahbles so keep checking back...not telling what you'll find. LOL

Wanna learn how to make your own soap and toiletries too??? Here is a page of a bunch of the email lists that I learned lots on: Soapmakers lists. might already be a Soapmaker IF....

Some really great books that will help you in your soapmaking adventures!

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A KEWL Goat Award
From jOE b. cOOL!! Ain't he the cutest goat ya ever saw??? ;-)

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Wanna go to CyberPorch? Click on the porch and head that way; still has all my original links and html hints and exotic plant links. ;-) Enjoy.

Great image of a front porch

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And be sure and come back often.

Bookmark my page and you won't have to fill up your favorite files.

Email me:

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nice folks have sat a spell on my Cyber Porch.

since December 19, 1996.
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