A webring is a number of sites linked together so that each site in the ring can be visited, one after another. No matter where you start, you will eventually end up where you began. This is made possible by a short fragment of HTML code which the site owner pastes into his/her HTML page code.
This webring has been around for more than 3 years now, so if you have a pet parrot and your page is at least partially about your bird, I'd like to have you join us!
Now that Yahoo has purchased Webring.org, I am no longer happy with the webring system. I created graphics that made the Wings Around the World webring original, and distinctive. Yahoo has done away with our rings' personalities, and made them all generic. Instead of the graphics and ring set up that is below, Yahoo will have all webrings using a plain vanilla navigational bar. The only difference from one ring to another will be the title on the ring, and some small changes in the background colors and text colors. Whoopie. For someone who has many rings on a single page, you'll have to scan down the page and try to find which ring you want. It won't be as quick and easy as it is now. Within a short time, the original coding for the ring will no longer be working. Therefore, I am going to make a change to Ringsurf for the Wings Ring. Please keep checking this page for updates.
Ok, I decided to go with Bravenet's SiteRing service instead of Ring Surf. I've never tried Ring Surf, so I don't have anything at all bad to say about them, but I've been a Bravenet member for a couple years, and had great service with them, so I decided to choose them instead. I have changed their coding so that the ring looks almost the way it used to. :) It is working, so you can sign up any time now!
Current Ring Members:
You will have to delete the current ring coding from your page and join the new ring. I cannot do this for you. I'm so sorry about this. I would much prefer not to have to go through all of this hassle on my part, either. You won't have to make any changes to the graphics, however! I hope that all of you will rejoin the new Wings Around the World webring, as you are valued members of the Wings Ring.
Back to business.....so to speak!
It is fairly easy to join the ring. All you need to do is copy the code and paste it into your HTML document, making a few minor changes in the code in order to enable your site. You must also download the two graphics which go with the code. The graphics must be on your server, not linked to this one.
If you would like to join the Wings Around The World Web Ring, click on the link in the ring banner below or here to get to the form to fill out. When the form is filled out and submitted to the Queue, you will be emailed the code fragment to insert into your page, along with your site ID. If you experience problems using this form, please write to the WebRing Master.
After you have the code fragment in place on your page, email me and I will activate your site into the ring. To preserve the ring integrity, you must have the code and graphics in place and correct before being activated. If you cannot do this within the month you are allowed, please email me, and I'll help you out. If you are automatically removed from the Queue, you can resubmit your page - it does not mean we don't like your page, it just means you didn't follow the directions in time.
This is the code that you will need to copy to put on your page. You will need to change some areas in the code to make it work on YOUR page. The site ID number needs to be inserted in about 6 places, and your name and email address. Please read through the coding carefully to be sure that you change all of the places. Make sure you take note of the ID number that you are assigned when you submit your site on Bravenet, because you will need it here!
There are only a few requirements you must meet to join:
This Wings Around the World site is owned by
Want to join the Wings Around the World?
Wings graphics copyright 1997 by Lori Bucevicius
SiteRing by Bravenet.com
Most recent revision October 2nd, 2000