
Hello and welcome!
This page is actually 2 homepages in one!

Wesley's World - is a site dedicated to help, information and support for cleft babies and their families. My son Wesley was born with a cleft 2 years ago, and Wesley's World is a gathering of all the information I have found while dealing with Wesley's cleft. Please come in, and don't hesitate to contact me if you ever need a cleftmom to talk to.

Fascinations - is my playground. It is where you can find out all about me and my interests...which are very eclectic. Fascinations used to be in SouthBeach, but I spend so much time "living and working" in Heartland, I decided to bring my "homes" together. There are things to see for every member of the family, from cooking and gardening, to zoos and aquariums, as well as the Titanic and other odds and ends. Please come to visit and spend some time being fascinated!

Both sites have been awarded as Featured Pages.

