Shane is the oldest of my three children. He has always loved sports, playing basketball, baseball and football. He has talked of becoming a marine after high school is over for him.

Shane has always had a love for animals of all kinds, from dogs to his first pony named daisy and even the pet ducks we had when he was small. He is living with his dad now, but when he comes to visit the first thing he looks for his our dog Harley.

Nick is 15 now and talking about cars. Nick also loves sports, football being his favorite. He played during junior high school. He has always been the one with an artistic talent. Since he was small he has loved to draw. I still have some of his drawings that were shown in school art show.

He has turned his talent into making webpages now. His page here at GeoCities recently was awarded the "Cool Page of the Day" award and we are all very proud of him for acheiving that. You can visit his page at Television City/1502.

Sarah is my youngest and only daughter. She is in the sixth grade, her first year in middle school. Sarah has always attended the ball games with us, since she was very little. She never actually watched the games, she always watched the cheerleaders.

She has been active in gymnastics, pom squad and girl scouts for a long time now. She also loves to write short stories. One thing she has always wanted is a horse of her own. She has a webpage in the Enchanted Forest here in Geocities. And yes her page is all about horses. It is a featured page and I'm sure you will enjoy seeing it. Just go to Enchanted Forest/1001 for some great pictures of horses.

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