Index of Links to All 'Christian' Denominations and Cults on the Web - BAPTIST DENOMINATIONS
American Baptist
Association The ABA is an association of Landmark Baptist Churches. Very few (if any) of the Churches in the ABA hold to the Doctrine of Grace. They are theologically conservative (holding to essential doctrines of the Christian faith). |
American Baptist Churches
in the USA The American Baptist Churches are generally very theologically liberal and are considered one of the mainline denominations. However there is a small group of churches which are evangelical and Bible Believing within this denomination. |
Baptist Bible Fellowship
International The Baptist Bible Fellowship International (BBFI) was formed in 1950 as a result of a split in the World Fundamental Baptist Missionary Fellowship, while maintaining the latter groups Fundamentalism. Some of the basic beliefs of the BBFI include the: Inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture, The Trinity, The existence of a literal Satan, A literal interpretation of the Creation Account, The fall of mankind, The Virgin Birth, Christ provided actual Atonement for our sins and this atonement is unlimited in its design, The need to be Born Again, The believer is justified solely through faith in the Redeemer's blood and because of this Christ's righteousness is imputed unto us, The autonomy of the local church, Two ordinances: Believer's Baptism by immersion and the Lord's Supper, Eternal Security for true believers, and The physical return of Christ.
Baptist Missionary Association of America |
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Reformed and Baptist
Conservative Baptist
Association of America
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship | |
Full Gospel Baptist Church
Fellowship The Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship (FGBCF) is a Pentecostal-Baptist denomination whose basic beliefs include: The Trinity, The infallibility and innerancy of Scriptures, The substitutionary Atonement of Christ, The physical resurrection and the visible imminent return of Christ, two ordinances: Believers Baptism by immersion and the Lord's Supper, The perpetuity of the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit, The existence of a literal Satan, and The autonomy of the local church.
Association of Regular Baptist Churches The General Association of Regular Baptist Churches (GARBC) formed as a result of the fundamentalist-modernist controversy and is theologically conservative and separatist.
GARBC: What we Believe (Very Short)
Association of Free Will Baptists
Primitive Baptist
(Unofficial, but excellent site) Primitive Baptist churches are generally organized into small associations, and have no denominational structure as such. Differences exist between these associations, but some of the distinctive practices of Primitive Baptists include a belief in the Doctrine of Grace, the Autonomy of the Local Church, are generally King James Only, leave the training of the ministers to the local church, use real wine and real unleavened bread during communion, many believe foot-washing is an ordinance, practice closed communion, use no musical instruments during worship, do not have Sunday Schools. |
Articles of Faith:
Day Baptist - General Conference The first Seventh Day Baptist church was formed in 1671 at Newport, Rhode Island. Although they do not have a binding creed, the General Conference has a Statement of Belief which includes The Trinity, The Inspiration of Scripture, All men are sinners and are in need of a Savior, Eternal life for believers, The autonomy of the local church, Two ordinances: Believer's Baptism (by immersion) and The Lord's Supper, and A seventh day (Saturday) Sabbath. The SDBGC was a charter member of the National Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches but withdrew from these in the 1970's. They remain a member of the Seventh Day Baptist World Federation. |
Southern Baptist Convention |
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