- The Demon-Haunted World
- Author: Carl Sagan
Publisher: Nova Audio Books
.........On these tapes the author expresses his concern about the prevelence of superstition and "new age" fads in our society. He offers a "baloney detection kit" for thinking through political, social, religious, and other issues. He debunks alien abudciton, faith healer fruad, channellers, and more. He demonstrates how the scientific thought process can get passed prejudice and hysteria and uncover the truth. I enjoyed the no nonsense, scientific approach the author used to discuss the many subjects on these tapes.
- Reviving Ophelia
- Author: Mary Pipher, Ph.D.
Publisher: Bantam Doubleday Dell Audio
.........An outlook into the pitfalls that confront adolescent girls, and insights into identifying and dealing with these problems.
- How To Put More Time in Your Life
- Author: Dru Scott, Ph.D.
Publisher: Nightingale-Conant Audio
.........Time mangement with a flexible, personal approach. The information on "burn-out" and procrastination were especially helpful to me.
- Emotional Intelligence
- Author: Daniel Goleman
Publisher: Audio Renaissance
.........The author pretty much debunks the IQ as destiny theory. He argues that our view of human intelligence is too narrow and that other factors, which he calls "emotional intelligence", play a significant role.
- Accelerated Learning Techniques
- Author: Brian Tracy with Colin Rose
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio
.........The authors offer methods for learning and retaining new information, memory improvement, speed reading techniques, identifying and using your natural learning abilities, and more.
- A Civil Action
- Author: Jonathan Harr
Publisher: Random House Audio Books
.........A story about a cluster of childhood leukemia victims in a small town near Boston where the city water supply had been contaminated by industrial chemicals. The "victims" lawyer is confronted by powerful and well-connected interests who would do anything to win! Not a happy ending.
- The Hot Zone
- Author: Richard Preston
Publisher: Simon Schuster Audio Works
.........The e-bola virus, that kills nine out of ten of its victims, is discovered in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. Viruses that previously lived undetected in the rain forest are not entering the human population. The author's epilogue sent chills down my spine!
- The Road Ahead
- Author: Bill Gates
Publisher: Penguin HighBridge Audio
.........The co-founder of Microsoft gives us his insight about what the future may hold for computer technology and the "information highway".
- Backlash - The Undeclared War Against American Women
- Author: Susan Faludi
Publisher: The Publishing Mills Audio Books
.........A look into the troubling condition and deteriorating status of women in this society today.
- The Right to Privacy
- Author: Ellen Alderman and Caroline Kennedy
Publisher: Random House Audio Books
.........A hot topic these days! Areas covered on these tapes: privacy vs the media, priviacy vs law enforcement, privacy and your body, privacy vs voyeurism, privacy in the workplace, and privacy and information.
- How To Read A Person Like A Book
- Author: Gerard Nierenberg
Publisher: Sound Editions From Random House
.........Learn to identify body language gestures and signals. Detect lies, physical attraction, affection, and more.
- Genius - The Life and Science of Richard Feynman
- Author: James Gleick
Publisher: Random House Audio Books
.........Biography of Richard Feynman, 1918-1988. Physicist, contributor to the development of the Atomic Bomb, Nobel Prize winner 1965 for quantum electrodynamics, lecturer, teacher. A man worth knowing...and genius indeed!
- The Professor and the Madman
- Author: Simon Winchester
Publisher: Harper Audio
.........Dr. William Chester Minor was an American surgeon who served in the Civil War. The story tells how Dr. Minor became a major contributor to the Oxford English Dictionary from behind the walls of an English asylum for the criminally insane. The author gives vivid insight into the tortured mind of Dr. Minor. He describes the doctor's delusions that let him to commit murder and to cut off his own penis. Fascinating story.
- Don't Know Much About History
- Author: Kenneth C. Davis
Publisher: Bantam Audio
.........Learning history was never so much fun! Interesting, entertaining, and fact filled.
- Don't Know Much About Geography
- Author: Kenneth C. Davis
Publisher: Bantam Audio
.........Learning geogrpahy was never so much fun! Find out what you never learned.
- Eat Smart Think Smart
- Author: Robert Haas
Publisher: The Publishing Mills
.........How to boost performance in memory, learning, creativity, and even sex through the use of supplements and nutrition. Learn about "smart nutrients" and "brain anti-aging".
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