Mother Bear's Home Page

Hi! I'm mother bear, aka Debbie. Welcome to my home page. If you've been here before, then you can tell I've redecorated and changed some things. Yes, again!! I am a 36 year old stay-at-home mom of four cubs.

Justin is my oldest. He's 13 going on 20. At least he thinks so. I'm trying very hard to get through adolescence with all my hair still intact. I'm sure it will be gray by the time I get there with the fourth.

Jaime is next. She's 11 and can be such a big help at times, when she's home. She has more of a social life than I do, always going somewhere or doing something with one of her friends. And oh, those hormones!! Jaime has finally talked me into giving her her own page. So please visit Jaime's Lily Pad. She'll be thrilled.

Then there's Jarrod. He's 9. What can I say about Jarrod? He's my little couch potato. He lives for cartoons, Nickelodeon and the Disney channel.

Last, but not least, is Alexis. She's 22 months old. She's a handful and very bright. But with three older siblings to watch and learn from, what could I expect? It's just trying to keep her looking the other way when it's something that I don't want her to learn from them that's the hard part.
Alexis has a new page called Lexie's Elmo Page. Please check out her page especially if you have toddlers that like Elmo and Sesame Street. There's some links to great Sesame Street activities and sites here.

All in all, they are the light of my life. And though there are days that seem like they will never end, I love them with all my heart and wouldn't give them up for anything in the world.

Anyway, staying at home is what I do. I also enjoy crafts and sewing, although with a 20 month old, there isn't much time for any of those things unless they're very simple and quick. But those are the best kind. My days are spent building with blocks, watching Sesame Street and Barney, singing nursery rhymes, etc. I do steal my little bit of time for myself when Alexis is napping and that is MY computer time.

So, here is where I hope that I can share some sanity time and maybe even some not so sane time with others like myself, who find no greater or fulfilling job in the world than staying at home with their kids. Hope to see you back here again soon.

The "Bear" Essentials
Mother Bears DenWords of InspirationThe Picnic Basket
Kids Honey JarKid ProjectsMy Awards
Jaime's Lily PadMissing ChildrenLexie's Elmo Page

PLEASE....If you don't see any other page on this site, at least view this one. Then say a prayer when you tuck your own children into bed tonight. And give them a kiss from Mother Bear.

Please be sure and sign my guestbook before you leave so that I'll be able to visit your site.

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