Welcome to My Applets Gallery.
Applets take a few minutes to load.  But are well worth the wait..
Because applets do take a while, I have only one applet per page. You may choose from the selection below which ones you would like to view..
The pictures I have here are pictures I have taken while on trips. I hope you have find them enjoyable to look at.  There is NO back button please just hit your own back buttons thank you...... Any pictures you would like to add ASK ME otherwise its copyrights violation
I will enclude a banner with picture to be emailed to you. BANNER must be with my pictures on a banner page or another page on your site in which the picture is shown..
All of my applets are REFLECTIONS: AFRICA

USA and Canada  Photos
Click Here for Natures wonders photos/ MOVED to new location.

GUAM Deployment Pichures..  November 1998 to May 1999

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All material copyright ©1996-1999 by Kindhearted Inc.. ABSOLUTELY no reproduction of any material on this website is authorized. Any image duplication is a violation of copyright law and is ILLEGAL . So don't do it!