Moosehead Lake Maine
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This Big Cat is a one of the big cats, he is enjoying a drink by the lake.

Cat and Kittens A mountain Lion female shown here with two younger cats, part of last years litter. She and her mate will care for these two until they are young adults.

Stalking, Caught it, Bring it to kittens Hunting: while they share in this the male takes down a white tail in the heavy snow. He kills it by suffocation.. The male weighs up to 150-170 lbs while the female weigh a mere 110-125.

The Lynx: is a nocturnal hunter that ambushes its prey. This solitary animal inhabits the forests of North America, Europe, and the Solviet Union and Maine. Males 2-3 ft, slightly larger than the females. Tails are 2-6 in. about 11-16 lbs. Mating: Mid Mar to early April.. 60-73 days and up to 4 pups but normally 1-2. While one or the other hunts for: birds, hares, rabbits, foxes, and deer.


Fleeing Deer Background: White tail deer; In winter when grasses, fruits, and berries are scarce, the white-tailed deer strips the branches of small trees and shrubs to obtain enough food to survive. Females, slightly smaller. . Females up to 250 lbs... Sitting on the log is a Chipmunk..Head and body, 5-7 in; 3-4 inches tall. Mating is Feb-Apr.. and June-Aug- about 31 days for young 4-5 in a litter. They prefer to eat nuts, seeds and acorns, as well as fruits or berries, but it also eats slugs, insects, spiders, nesting birds eggs, and some mice and small snakes.

Stag and Doe Breeding Pair: a female, 1 year old mates in late summer or early fall. male mates age of 2 years. Fawns are delivered in 8 months. Depending on the age of the female 1-2 fawns..

is the remedy its best to stay clear of these little stink bombs.)

The Gray Wolf, has been the notorious villain of fables and fairy tales for centuries, yet this highly intelligent and sociable animal is wary of humans and avoids them when ever possible. Up to 5 ft long, tails 1-2 ft, and 35-175 lbs they breed from Feb-Apr., delivering 61-63 days later with 4-7 pups. They eat moose, elk, small deer, wild sheep, and domestic livestock. They can live up to 10 years.

The Raccoon, Recognized by its striped face and ringed tail, The Raccoon has invaded almost every habitat and is commonly found even in towns and cites. From head to toe is is 18-30 inches long and 8-13 in tall. weighing up to 46 lbs. They mate in winter, caring the young for 60-73 days. 1-7 kits are rare but normally 3-4 survive. They eat fruits, nuts, berries, insects, reptiles, garbage, crops. They can live 10 years and more.

The Industrious Beaver, plays a vital role in maintaining the natural balance of its habitat. It constructs a complex system of dams and canals that regulates flooding, creates marshland, and prevents the erosion of soil. 24-32 1/1 inches long, 10-18 inch high. 25-65 lbs. Mating is at three years from Jan-Feb, 105 days gestation and 1-5 kits.. They eat mainly bark... and are very social animals, while they build there dams, flooding large areas to provide suitable habitats for itself.

The Long Legged Moose, is the largest of all the deer family. It feeds by browsing on tress and marshy vegetation and must eat 45 pounds of food a day. The female being the opposite of the deer family when older they often give birth to twins.


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