Information About the 49th Virginia

The FORTY - NINTH (49th) VIRGINIA INFANTRY REGIMENT, CSA, COMPANIES A-K ®, is a trademarked non-profit corporation, founded in 1985, dedicated to the memory and the portayal of individuals who lived during the period of the American Civil War (1861-1865). The unit endeavors to recreate the impression of a mid to late war Confederate Infantry unit in the Army of Northern Virginia.

Members participate in living history demonstrations, battle reenactments, school programs, parades and battlefield dedication activities intended to offer historical information to the general public regarding this period of history. Activities may be held at museums and parks throughout Northern Virginia as well as other sites related to Civil War history. Our programs allow both soldiers and civilians the opportunity to demonstrate, discuss and display a broad variety of uniforms, equipment, weaponry and civilian attire.

The 49th Virginia Infantry is a family oriented organization. Members of the group come from varying walks of life. Most live in the Northern Virginia area and have a deep devotion and love for this crucial period of Virginia history. Events are held throughout the year giving men, women and children affiliated with the unit opportunities to share many individual interests and talents.

In addition to the military unit, we have an extremely active and well-known civilian organization. The 49th Virginia Infantry Soldier's Aide Society is renowned for its lectures and authentic period clothing and jewelry displays with particular emphasis on mourning customs of the 19th century.


We welcome individuals and families that are interested in all types of period impressions. We typically participate at least once a month (sometimes more often), in either a battle reenactment or living history presentation, during the months of March through December. It is not mandatory that each member participates in every event, as we realize that the constraints of modern life can interfere with event schedules.

If you are interested in the activities described above, or simply want more information about the unit or upcoming events, please contact Tony or Georgia Meadows at (703) 590-3172 or E-mail

What Equipment You Will Need To Get Started

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