Found this on the internet and we thought you might enjoy it.
You Might Be a Civil War Reenactor - IF
If your $20,000 car sits out in the weather so your $200 tent can stay in the might be a reenactor
If you drive by some open land and think, "What a great place for a Battle!"...
If most of the clothes you own went out of style over 135 years ago...
If you've made a vehicle purchase decision based on how well it can accomodate your tent poles...
If you've ever uttered the phrase, "only 68 more days til our next event"...
If sleeping in a leaky tent in the rain and mud is your idea of a fun Saturday night...
If you've ever worn wool when the temperature tops 100 repeatedly...
If there are half-completed sewing projects decorating your furniture...
If you've ever made a career decision based on its impact on your reenacting weekends...
If your friends refuse to attend any historic movie dramas with you...
If you can spot 100% wool at 30 yards...
If your kids can correct their history teachers...
If your mailman is confused as to what rank you hold in the reserves...
If you have been asked at a gas station if you're Amish...
If your birthday and Christmas list reads like a quartermaster's request for supplies...
If you believe that your brogans are the most comfortable shoes that you might be a reenactor.
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