Sabrina's Net Home
Sabrina's Net Home

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Hi! My name is Tina Douglas aka Sabrina. You can find me chatting at doug's. I chat in the mornings, Michigan time. I get on around 6:00 a.m. or 7:00 a.m. I have 5 children, they are my pride and joy...*s* You will see their names and ages at the bottom of this page...I like to read and watch movies...

A Few Facts About Me

  • from: Michigan, USA
  • age: 29
  • born: January 11, 1968
  • ht: 5'4"
  • hair color: red
  • eye color: blue
  • music: I listen to just about anything: country is my fave, though

    My Chat Friends

    If you are not on my friends list,
    please let me know, by email or in person.


    Doug's: you can find me here...
    Infinity & Thirtysomething: you can find me here at times...
    Chinese Zodiac
    Star Trek: The Next Generation: I am a big Star Trek fan....
    Forever Knight
    Virtual Vacation
    Virtual Flowers

    My Darling Children

    Jenny is 11, born Sept. 21, 1985
    David is 10, born Oct. 10, 1986
    Dougie is 6, born April 24, 1990
    Jami is 5, born July 11, 1991
    Christy is 5, born July 11, 1991

    A picture of them taken on May 31,1997