Michigan Listings

  • Name: Lauren Elliot
  • Email: metalroze@aol.com
  • Adoptee
  • Adoptive Name: Laurie Kay Elliot
  • Born in: Detroit, MI
  • Date of Birth: 12/23/69
  • Non-Id: Delivering DR- Dr. Katz Catholic Social services of MI handled the adoption. Adoption finalized 2/3/72. Birthmother may have been from Farmington Hills, MI.

  • Name: Elizabeth
  • Email: Yachal29@aol.com
  • Adoptee
  • BirthName: Teresa Ann Nemens
  • Place of Birth: Detroit, MI
  • Hospital: Deaconess Hospital
  • Date of Birth: 09/01/67
  • Non-Id: Mother is Italian and had 4 other children and was getting a divorce from her husband. She was 26 in 1967 and he was 22. My birthmother's name is Josephine Nemens-Impo. Donald John Nemens was the man she was married to at the time of my birth. He might NOT be my birthfather, as they were getting a divorce and not living together. Josephine lived on the Eastside of Detroit in the Harper Woods, St. Clair Shores area. She had 2 children living with her in December of 1967 a boy and a girl. I know nothing about the other 2 children.

  • Name: Joy Esch
  • Email: bley@journey.com
  • Adoptee
  • Place of Birth: Mt.Pleasant, MI
  • Hospital: Central Michigan Community Hospital
  • Date of Birth: June 21, 1969
  • Non-Id: Adoption handled by Department of Social Services, Isabella County Probate Court finalized December 1970. May have been in custody of bmom for a few months before being placed for adoption. Records show I was born with a possible umbilical hernia and a crossed left eye (not permanent). First born child of bmother. No information available to me about birth father. Bmom was a teacher but I do not know for what age level.