Michigan Listings -H-
- Name: Heidi
- E-mail: bardes242@aol.com
- Adoptee
- Adoptive Surname: Newhouse
- Born in: Detroit
- Birthday: 4/23/58
- Additional info:
Lutheran Charities Home-Emma Klimack (case worker)
- Name: Bonnie Hughes
- Email: bonnhues@yknet.yk.ca
- Birthmother
- Searching for: Christa Lei Hughes
- Born in: Ishpeming, MI
- Date of Birth: 4/8/70
- Non-Id: Christa was born at Francus a Bell Hospital. She weighed 8 lbs. James F. Tobin was the attending DR. Christa left the hospital on April 13, 1970 in the care of a Social Service case worker from the former Michigan Childrens Aid Society. Relinquished in Marquette County. Judge Michael F DeFant officiating. BMom lived in Marquette and graduated from high school there in 1969. Bmom was born in Scranton, Pa. on 2/17/51. Christa has a brother and a sister who know about her and support me in my search.
- "I will always hold you in my heart Christa and would like to give you your family as well as medical history".
- Name: Melissa Heffner
- Email: MeTweet69@aol.com
- Adoptee
- Born in: Flint, MI
- Date of Birth: 7/5/78
- Name: Alisann Henning
- Email: LOVES2BBAD@aol.com
- Adoptee
- Adoptive Name: Alisann Henning
- Date of Birth: March 20, 1961
- Non-Id: Adoption took place in Pontiac, MI. Removed from Birthmom's home in May, placed in adoptive home June 1961. Born with blonde hair and brown eyes.
- Name: Deborah Hudson
- Email: phonewench@hotmail.com
- Adoptee
- Adoptive Name: Deborah Walter
- Born in: Detroit, MI
- Date of Birth: March 30, 1962
- Non-Id: Birthmother high school grad. did general office work, has 2 brothers.
- Message: In URGENT need of Medical Info.
- Name: Hope Harvey
- Email: HHa2358873@aol.com
- Adoptee
- Adoptive Sister: Natalie Bass
- Place of Birth: Flint, MI
- Date of Birth: 04/03/53
- Non-Id: Adopted at age 5 by family in Trenton, MI. The adoption was handled through State Agency.
- Name: Denise Hall
- Email: dhall0706@aol.com
- Adoptee
- Name: Denise Ann Bushre
- Place of Birth: Saginaw
- Hospital: Saginaw Osteopathic Hospital
- Date of Birth: 07/06/64
- Non-Id: Weighed 6 pounds 10 ounces, was full term baby, Birthmother was divorced. Birthmother released parental rights through the Saginaw County Probate Court on 8/7/64.
- Name: Heather Hales
- Email: euphemiarain@yahoo.com
- Adoptee
- Adoptive Name: Hales
- Place of Birth: Grand Rapids, MI
- Date of Birth: 09/19/69
- Non-Id: Adopted through Welfare or Social Services in Grand Rapids.
- Name: Angel Holt
- Email: yoyo121@webtv.net
- Birth Sibling
- Looking for: Laura and Lorraine Robbins
- Place of Birth: Southfield, MI
- Date of Birth: April 1982
- Non-Id: Looking for my twin sisters. Adopted through St. Francis Catholic Services. I believe the twins are still here in MI. I do know that the family that adopted them did move shortly after the adoption took place.
- Name: Rachael Haking
- Email: rhhaking@shellus.com
- Birth sister
- Birthname: Tracy Lynn
- Place of Birth: Detroit, MI
- Hospital: Crittenton Hospital
- Date of Birth: 11/11/68
- Non-Id: Tracy Lynn adopted father was born in 1927 in Pennsylvania. He worked as a crane operator at a steel mill.
Tracy a-mom was born in 1923 in Michigan. The couple had previously adopted a boy.
- Name: Deborah Anne Smith Horne
- Email: djhorne@bellsouth.net
- Adoptee
- Place of Birth: Midland, MI
- Date of Birth: 04/27/75
- Non-Id: Birth maternal grandmother had high blood pressure. Adoptive parents lived in Mt. Pleasant, MI.