More Kodac Moments

Pictures keep surfacing ......... so here some more special moments caught on film.  Sorry, they are in no particular order.

Moose shows Melody his "Thing-A-Ma-Jig"
(Yes!! It does make music!)

Two-Budz  - Our  Lil Mother-To-Be

Mary...... aka Mrs. Moose - Mother of Bear
(Can ya believe we caught him with his mouth shut?)

Can't believe Two-Budz got to actually hold Bear's "Texas Turd Bird"!

Kinnakeet, Carol, JuneBug, Moose, Juju and Ratt
(What a pose!)

Guess we really did spend alot of time around that table!

Ratt and St. Rosie - eating as usual ;o)
(No Ratt, you can't sweet talk her into paying the ticket!)

Juju gets a Bear hug!
(Knew those glasses would drive him wild!)

Debo & Sonnybuck
Getting some grub - before a nite of dancing!

Ratt & Bear
Having a little shaving cream with their hamburgers.

Ole Pale Face!

Earman was attacked too!

Moose heard music nearby and grabbed his guitar!
Way to go Moose!!!!!

Carol smiles and under her breath says......"Blue, bet ya $5 you'll be wet within the hour."

Smile!  Your on Candid Camera!!
(Juju & Sonnybuck)

The infamous Miss Goodyear
Sonnybuck's bed-partner ;o)
(Did she really hissssss?)

TnMan reassures Melody - there are enough burgers to go around.

Ratt tries to justify just why he likes green and yellow.

TnMan I really have to take all these left-overs home?

Told ya Blue-Izs would get wet again!

Juju interviews Moose for the #Just4Fun Santa position currently available.

TnMan tells Debo a funny...
(think we caught her in a belly-laugh)

Buckshot comes up for a grin and smile ;o)

Melody & TnMan - ain't they cute?
(Think they're trying out for a Crest commercial)

Gotta have one more look at those Smokey Mountains.

Think this shot of Two-Budz and Earman
really displays the friendship we all share.

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