Hello, my name is Rachel. I am 11 years old and in the 6th grade. My favorite teacher was called Mr.Z, he was my fifth grade teacher. I still love horses but would care for any animal.

I recently got a job at a place called Adopt-a-Pet. I am starting this Saturday.(which is November 3, 2001). I am still in girl scouts and in my last year of Juniors. I encourage all the brownies and daisies to stay in girl scouts for a very long time.

Next summer of 2002 our troop will be going to Williamsburg. We just went to a craft show to sell candles,brownies in a jar, and M&M cookies in a jar. We are also doing a car wash and a sock hop.I am also working on my bronze award with one of my fellow troop mates. I hope you enjoyed reading about Me!!

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