Junior Troop 704


Please note we no longer do Mascots. This is left here as a resource for other troops wishing to do Mascots.

Traveling Mascots

What are They??
Traveling mascots are ususally some sort of stuffed item - like an animal or a doll or some sort of creature. You send these on to troops through out the United States and the World.

Our troop currently has two mascots a dog named Candy Kisses and a Tuxedo Bear named Hugs that are traveling around the United States. You can visit their adventures by clicking on their links at the bottom of this page or on their links here.

What do you do when you host a mascot??
You can either bring the mascot to a troop meeting and include her in the activities and crafts or take her on a field trip (special outing) with the girls. There are no hard and fast rules, however no matter what you do take pictures of your girls and the mascot and create a little write up about your troop for the home troop. Tell them what you like to do and what you did with the mascot. If you made a craft it would be nice to include that with the mascot. If you went on a field trip include the program, ticket stub, patch or whatever from that event.

Another good thing to include would be a postcard listing something about your state, like flower and bird or something like that. Basically what you want to do is give some information about your troop to the home troop. You could also make a SWAP and include it with the mascot. The possibilites are endless. What are SWAPS?? Visit S*W*A*P*S Page to find out.

When we host we usually include some postcards about Minnesota, a pin that talks about Minnesota, a write up with pictures from our troop. Sometimes a special event badge is sent along also. Whenever we do a craft that goes along - like a spool doll necklace, ornament etc. We also include a bookmark that talks about a circle of friends that we made on the computer. Sometimes we even make an award certificate for the mascot. We try to make it intersting for the home troop.

How Do I Host A Mascot
Visit a troops homepage and see if they have a mascot and are looking for hosts. If so send them email saying you would be willing to host. Another place to check is the All Troops Traveling Mascots Forum This is a place to post for mascots as well as posting that your willing to host mascots. You can look at all the posts and email troops looking for hosts.

How Do I Start A Mascot
As a troop decide on what creature you want for your mascot. Sometimes you can get someone to donate a mascot for you like a Zoo or an Amuzment park or some business that signifies something about your area. In our case two of the girls donated their stuffed animals. You only want to do this if the girls don't care if they come back. Some times they do get lost in the mail.

Once you have a mascot picked out name her and do a write up about your troop. Includes pictures of your troop with this write up. Now find hosts by posting on the All Troops Traveling Mascots Forum Create an itinerary and place it in the box with your mascot. You will want to include some sort of journal for the hosting troops (this is where they can put their pictures and write ups, post cards etc.). Try to keep you package as light as possible, since you don't want troops to go broke hosting your mascot. Including a single use camera is a great idea.

When lining up hosts for your mascot make sure you get the hosts name, snail mail address, email address, phone number, GS council name, council phone number and co-leaders phone number. That way you will have a little more to go on if your mascot disappears.


Hugs is lost and our girls are very very sad. We haven't even heard back via email from her last host to our latest inquires. So we are sad and have decided not to do any more mascots!

Junior Troop 704

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