Greetings and Welcome
Family Photo's!

You didn't really think I looked like that first pic all the time, did ya? *G*
This is how I look most of the time!

My Boy's, Jason and Michael, then & 1997 & 2000!

Michael, Dean and Jason, when they won their Blue belts.

Jason, Dave and MichaelMe and Dave

Jason, Dave and Michael, then Dave & I at Rock City,TN

Me and my boys in the garden. July 2000

Me and my boys in the garden. July 2000

Me,Dave,my brother Lonnie, his wife Donna and their sons Michael and Bret

Me, Dave,my brother Lonnie, his wife Donna and their sons Michael and Bret

Our Pups, Brandy and Red

Brandy and Red

Pups in the river

This is Yoda the Sugar Glider

This is Yoda, our Sugar Glider


My Father, Leroy Anderson, doing what he loved!
He lived hard and died young.

If you think you might have a problem with addiction, Please, visit my friend Clint's page


My Mom, Janice! My confidant,my best friend, My rock!!
And one of the reasons I'm spoiled4sure!(grin)

Carl & Mom

My Step-Dad and friend, Carl and Mom

Me & Dave at Tahoe

Dave and I at Lake Tahoe!
I have tons of pics from this trip! We have been all over this country and Canada together
since we've been married,
but the views from the mountains over looking
Lake Tahoe are some of the most beautiful I've seen!!

Overlooking Lake Tahoe

The Intergraph crew, Herb, Bart & Patti,
Chris,Dave & Me at the Sand Dunes National Park in Oregon.
We rented Odessey sand buggies and played
for hours!
Click on the pic to go the Oregon Dunes National Recreationl Area Site.

My Husband, David. The other reason I'm spoiled! *G*

CAD Caravan

Jason & Michael with the CAD Caravan
in Huntsville Alabama.
We were there for a Discovery Channel
interview on Intergraph & The Caravan.

I love trucks! :)

I'll come sign yours if you sign mine! *G*

Read My Dreambook!
Sign My Dreambook!

An it harm none,do what thou wilt!Blessed Be!

Home Page
(Index)/ (Causes & WebRings)/ (About Me)/ (Page for my Husband)/ (Michael's Page)/ (Jason's Page)/ (Childhood Memories)/ (Favorite Links)/ (Meet My Friends)/ (Garden Tips)/ (Canning Tips)/ (Canning Fruit)/ (Jam Recipes)/ (Jelly Recipes)/ (Marmalades & Preserves)/ (Pickle Tips)/ (Pickle Recipes)/ (Salsa Recipes)/ (Favorite Hillbilly Recipes)

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