Parker Family Genealogy Page

sarah parker hastings My Parker family has long been a mystery to me. Some researchers believe that my Sarah (Sally) Parker was a daughter of Andrus Parker, but I now believe that her father was Rev. Green Parker who may have been born in Rhode Island to George & Catherine Parker, and died in Huron County (now Erie County), Ohio in 1817. Sarah (Sally) Parker, b. 1806, m. Ephraim Hastings 8 May 1825 in Huron County, OH

For information on Andrus Parker contact
Dave Farmer, a descendant of Elihu Parker and Eliza Walker; or Marjean Holmes Workman, a descendant of Asahel Parker & author of "Descendents of Joseph Parker of Mansfield, CT;" and for information on Thomas Parker of Rhode Island and Huron County, Ohio contact Gary Poole.

Updated August 25, 2002.

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