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A. The Science Kit
1. Hatch out a new Norn or import a Creature. Teach the Creature its words using the computers, Doozers, or the C2 version of Encyclopedia Nornica. It is very helpful if the Creature knows how to "come hand" and "push implement". From the Incubator go right until you get to the Lift.
2. Go down the Lift.
3. Go left, passing the Feelings Computer and the Cheese Dispenser until you get to the Lift on the far left.
4. Go up the lift one level.
5. The Implement that activates the Science Kit is near the Lift.
Tell the Creature to "push implement" to activate the Science Kit.
B. The Unlimited Scrolling
and the Advanced Science Kit
From position 5 continue up to the top of the Lift, between the desert and the bridge.
6. Go left, all the way across the bridge, past the calendar.
7. Go down the Lift 2 levels.
8. Go right to the Lift next to the water fall.
9. Go down one level.
10. Go left through the sandy garden to the Lift next to the Mediabox that looks like chimes.
11. Go down two levels to the library.
12. Go left, past the big round thing until you get to the Lift.
13. Go up the Lift.
14. There is another lift nearby, to the left. Go to that Lift.
15. Go up the Lift to the Venus Fly Trap. There is a spinning Implement that activates Unlimited Scrolling.
Tell the Creature to "push implement".
Go back down the lifts to position #13. Go left to the lift.
16. Go up the lift to the spinning Implement that activates the Advanced Science Kit.
Tell the Creature to "push implement". Try to keep the Creature from falling over the Cliff Edge into the volcano. If it does fall in, export it and import it back in. You'll have to start all over again from the Incubator.
C. Grendel and Ettin Selector
Go back to position #10. Go down the Lift one level.
17. Go left, over the little bridge.
18. Go down the Lift that is inside the tree trunk.
19. Go right to the Lift inside the domed garden.
20. Go down the Lift. Tell the Creature to go "left" so that it doesn't fall in the water. But if it does fall in, you can pick it up with the Hand and continue.
21. Go all the way to the left. You have to pass the Shee statue. The Creature will keep staring at the statue and get scared, so keep telling it to go "left" or "come hand" until it gets to the spinning Implement that activates the Grendel and Ettin Selector.
Tell the Creature to "push implement".
Give your Creature a tickle. Reward your Creature for a job well done.
D. The Neuroscience Kit
and Gene Splicing Machine
It is easier to get to the Implement that activates the Neuroscience Kit and the Gene Splicing Machine with a Grendel or Ettin. Grendels hatch from the eggs next to the Submarine Bay (position #22). They often wander around and fall over the Cliff Edge into the Volcano.
23. From the Volcano, go left toward the egg-laying Machine where the Ettins are born.
24. Teach your Grendel or Ettin its word using a Doozer, the laptop computer, or Slink's Encyclopedia Nornica. Then go left, through the swamp, until you get to the Lift next to the rabbit hole.
25. Go up the Lift one level. Tell the Creature to go "left so that it doesn't fall over the Cliff Edge". If it does fall over, coax it back up the Lift again.
26. Go left, past the beehive to the Lift on the left.
27. Go up the Lift one level. Tell the Creature to go "right" so that it doesn't fall over the Cliff Edge. If it does fall over, it will land in the tube. Tell it to go "right" to the Lift. Go down one level, go left past the beehive, and go back up the Lift on the left.
28. Go right, through the tube to the domed computer room. Tell the Creature to "push implement" to activate the Neuroscience Kit.
In the same room, push the computer on the left with the Hand to activate the Gene Splicing Machine.
To get to the Gene Splicing Machine ride the Leftright from position #29 to #30.
E. How to get Creatures into the Gene Splicing Machine
The most humane way to get a Creature into the Gene Splicing Machine is to coax it to the domed computer room and have it ride the Leftright into the Gene Splicing room. However, this takes a long time for Grendels and Ettins , and even longer for Norns. There is a much quicker way to get them there...if you are willing to play a dirty trick on them. hehehe
If you do this quickly enough it doesn't hurt them, although it does make them quite angry. Just in case of an accident, be sure that you have activated your Advanced Science Kit before you try this. If the Suffocation icon appears on the Status Bar, quickly inject your Creature with "Suffocation Decrease" .
The mean, nasty thing you have to do is trick your Creature into falling in the water, then take advantage of being able to pick it up with the Hand, and carry it to the Gene Splicing room.
Grendels conveniently hatch right next to the Submarine Bay (#22). Open the door on the right and coax the Grendel into the Submarine Bay (#32). As soon as he walks in, close the right door and open the left door. The water will start pouring in. Quickly grab the Grendel and carry him down to the Gene Splicing room. Put some food and toys there and hope that he doesn't find the teleporter. If you are really mean, you can trap him in the force field so that he can't leave.
Export Ettins and import them back in near the Incubator. Hatch out or import a Norn near the Incubator (#1). Coax them to the Submarine docking area (#31) and take them to the Submarine Bay (#32). Before they have a chance to leave, open the left door to let the water in. Pick them up with the Hand before they drown and carry them to the Gene Splicing room.
Other places where Creatures can fall in the water are at the fishing pole (#33), near the Shee Statue (#21), near the chimes (#11), or the West ocean (#34, 35).
When you have two Creatures in the Gene Splicing room trap each in a force field and turn the machine on. (Note : The parents will disappear, so make sure you use a copy of their .exp file if you still want the parents.) The egg will appear from the egg machine below (#24). Enjoy your new Creature. You'll be able to create all kinds of interesting mixes.
Warning: Do not fool around with your computer's registry if you don't know what you're doing! Even a tiny little booboo could cause major problems. Please ask someone to help you if you aren't too familiar with computers.
In Windows 95 click on Start...Run...Type in "regedit" OK
Open folders HKEY CURRENT USER/Software/CyberLife Technology/Creatures2/1.0
Find the file marked "Privileges" and double-click it
Type in "Blueberry4$"
Close the window and start up Creatures 2
Click Testing...Activate Game States to get infinite scroll and other goodies.
You'll be able to be able to pick things up! You can pick up the Norns, Grendels, and Ettins by right-clicking. Right-click again to put them down. To pick up badplants (such as the gray mushrooms with yellow spots, the Venus Fly Trap, or the cactus plants) or nests (such as the ant nests) hold down Ctrl-Shift and left-click. Right-click to put it down. Put them in an inaccecible place such as the ocean or the terrarium. Ants drown if you put them in the water. hehehe Pick some berries and fruits and hold the Hand over them. If it says "fruit", it's safe to leave them there, but if it says "badplant" you can take them away.
Click on World to open, save, or create new worlds. The auto-save will be disabled so if you want to save your world, remember to click Save the World or Save As...and type in a new name.
Sorry we don't know who discovered this Cheat, but whoever it was, Thank You!!! And thanks to the nice person who sent us a copy of it! : )
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