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Norn and Grendel Paradise

Hatchery Norns

If you ran out of Norns, or just want to give your gene pool a boost, here are some Hatchery Norns. These are mortal, have no extra lobes, and (as far as we know) have no mutations.

Bald NornsBald/Banana Norns3 Males
3 Females
White-Haired NornsWhite-Haired Norns3 Males
3 Females
Horse NornsHorse Norns
3 Males
3 Females

The old batch of plain Norns are still available on the bottom of the Mixed Norns page

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Princess Diana NornsMixed Norns
Cardinal and Green NornsEttaNorns
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Wiseman's Colorful NornsNorns From Our Friends
David's NornsMore Norns From Our Friends
Undead NornsGEN Files From Our Friends
Breedable GrendelsNorn and Grendel Day
Bunny and Grorn MixesRehabilitated Norns
Bunny, Matt, and Grorn MixesDeathAngeL's Norns
Dwarf Norns___