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My name is Misty and I know there are Angels,
Cause my sisters are Angels, 'flying free'.
My twin 'Christine' is up there on the right,
And on the left, 'Elna', my youngest sister, you see.

I know that they watch over me now,
Because I feel their presence each day.
And although I'm sad that they died, that's true,
I'm glad they're still with me someway.

Sisters are such a treasure to have,
It's a bond like no other I've known.
And how very blessed I am in deed,
To have sisters of my very own.

But now 'Christine' and 'Elna' are Angels,
And they're watching over me with such care,
That never a second goes by in my life,
That I don't feel their 'wings' on the air.

So, yes, I'm 'Misty', and I KNOW there are Angels,
Cause my sisters are Angels 'flying free'.
My twin 'Christine' is up on the right,
And on the left, 'Elna', my youngest sister, you see.

Author: Kristina Farley



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"Walk With The Angels"

Heavenly Angels All In A Row,
Sending Their Music To Those Below.
Making Our World A Better Place
For All The People Of This Human Race.
Songs Of Love, Songs of Care.
For All Of Us Everywhere.

We Can Be Like The Angels Above,
If Only We Continue To Show Our Love.
Look All Around You And What Do You See?
Just People - Like You And Me.
Some Are Different In Their Own Way
Each Bringing Gifts To Us This day.
Some Are Dark And Some Are Light,
But Each Special In Their Own Right.

Some May Have Pain, Some May Cry As They Hurt,
Some Are Lost, Not Knowing Their Own Self worth.
So Reach Out Your Hand With A Gentle Touch.
Show Them The Love, That They Need So Much.
It Is So Easy, Just A Simple Thing,
This Friendship That You Can Bring
To Those Around You Like You And Me
Who Sometimes Just Need A Light To See.
Just Give Them Hope, So They Feel Not Alone.
Give Them Your Kindness, Make Them Feel At Home.

What Is This Price? What Does This Cost?
To Help And Care For The Lost.
To Reach Your Hand Take A Friend To Hold
The Value Of This Outweighs All The Gold
Your Rewards Return Twofold

As My Angels Songs Fill the Air,
Send Kind Words To Those Everywhere.
For When It Is All Said And We Are At Rest
Our Hearts Will Know We Did Our Best.
My Angels Will Smile As They Take Our Hand
Knowing We Cared For Our Fellowman........

Softlywhisper, 1998


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