***Candid Camera***
You Are Listening To "The Greatest Love of All"
Candid Puppy Shots to Enjoy!
Lexie Playing with Pups 1!
Lexie Playing with Pups 2!
Lexie Playing with Pups 3!
Lexie Playing with Pups 4!
Headshot of Yellow Girl!
Billy Holding Teal Girl!
Chris Holding a puppy!
Orange Girl!...Cute!
Headshot of Pink Girl!
Headshot of Purple Girl!
Headshot of Teal Girl!
Debbie getting a big smooch from her Puppy!
Janice getting a kiss from the little Darlin!
Louise and Blaze...(Yellow Girl)
Surge...One of the Boys all Grown Up!
Hope you enjoyed these little Cuties!!!
All Photos are Copywrited, so Please do not Take Any!!!
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