In instances where my direct ancestors appear on the 1745 Pointe Coupee Census,
I've included links back to their family group page.

BLUBAL" R. P. Remy, Cure

BLUBAL" Louis Renault called Genouy Bedeau, 45

BLUBAL" Mons. De Pontalba, Commandant BLUBAL" Mr. Trenaunay Chanfret, 47 BLUBAL" M. Pierre Ricard, storekeeper, 42 BLUBAL" M. Antoine Meullion, Surgeon, Widower, 44 BLUBAL" Louis Le Cler called Belhumeur, 57 BLUBAL" Jean Lage called La Roze,55 BLUBAL" Mathieu Gruel, called La Marine, 54 BLUBAL" Francois Manne, 35 BLUBAL" Francois Chaler, called Versailles, 36

BLUBAL" Francois Moron, 28 BLUBAL" Jean Decuir, 36 BLUBAL" Francois Mahyeux, 22 BLUBAL" Francois Desmarets, 26 BLUBAL" Catherine St. Paul, 45 BLUBAL" Habitation of the widowed Robert Avare

BLUBAL" Joseph Duplechin, 46 BLUBAL" J. Bte. Rabalay, called Matelot, 53 BLUBAL" Etienne Decuir, 31 BLUBAL" Nicolas De La Cour, 46 BLUBAL" Piere Baron, 53 BLUBAL" J. Bte. Bara, called Le Blond, 46 BLUBAL" Jean Stephan, called Rocancourt, 47 BLUBAL" Francois Riche, 35 BLUBAL" Louis Bouchard, called LaValle, 33 BLUBAL" Antoine Sarazin, 24 BLUBAL" Guillaume Le Moine, called Normand, 47 BLUBAL" Louis Riche, 37 BLUBAL" Charlotte Aufroy, widow of Gosserand, 40 BLUBAL" Anne Marguerite Molet, widow of J. Bte. Houmar, 47 BLUBAL" J. Bte. Lhotiere, 37 BLUBAL" Jean Souderiek, 45 BLUBAL" Jean Bte. Balquet, 29 BLUBAL" Joseph Roy, called Chatellereau, 36 BLUBAL" Jean Bte. Pourciaux, 35 BLUBAL" Piere Marionneaux, 50 BLUBAL" Julienne Laurent, 20 BLUBAL" Pierre Ducoste, called Coureur, 66 BLUBAL" Alexandre Durviek, called La Facine, 38 BLUBAL" Jean Richard, called Avignon, 48 BLUBAL" Jean Roblot, 46 BLUBAL" Piere Durocher, called Castillon, 44 BLUBAL" Piere Germain, 46 BLUBAL" Piere Mahyeux, 48 BLUBAL" Jacques Cure, called Orleans, 50 BLUBAL" Jean Rondot, 50 BLUBAL" Jacques Payere,58 BLUBAL" Nicolas Prevot, called Collet, 45 BLUBAL" Marie Jacobine Stoupe (Toups?), 18

BLUBAL" Joseph Herbert, 36 BLUBAL" Albert Decuir, 75 BLUBAL" Piere Joachin Haussy, Capt. of Militia, 65 BLUBAL" Marie, Free Indian, 29 BLUBAL" Antoine Patin, called Bellaire, widower, 56 BLUBAL" Simon Calais, 46 BLUBAL" Vincent Le Porche, 36 BLUBAL" Piere Le Porche, 46 BLUBAL" Pierre Gueho, 48 BLUBAL" Jean George Pauque, 70 BLUBAL" Nicolas Wisse, 46

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