The Pierce Webring Homepage

This webring has been created for the Pierce Resource Center, which in turn is run by the members of Pierce Rootsweb mailing list. To join the Pierce mailing list you can go to Rootsweb or the Pierce Resource Center. 

Qualifications: Any site wishing to join the Pierce Webring should have a genealogy site or section with some Pierce info listed on their site. All variations of the name are accepted. Pierce, Peirce, Pearce, Purs.  

To join our webring: Fill out the form below, copy and paste the html code onto your web site, then, email and let me know so I can review your site to make sure that everything is in order.  After your site is approved you will be added to the ring.


Submit site to The Pierce Webring 
Site Title:
Site URL:
Password: Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!) 
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site. 
Description: Enter a short description of your site. 



Here is a sample of the html code that you need to use. Put your name where it says YOU. Put your email where it says your email. Put your site id  number where it says site_id. Don't forget to download the map graphic! At the  very bottom is  what the ring graphic will look like. 

To Edit your site info,  Click Here. Random Site. 
Thanks for joining us,  
Angel (Ringmaster)

Pierce Resource Center
The Pierce Webring
This Pierce Webring site 
owned by Angel
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