my name is Lady and I am a "Dalmatian"


I am 3 years old and have a very good life.My owners are Andre and Judy Belanger and we live in Northern Ontario.   They take good care of me I go for walks everyday with my grandpa(Andres dad).  They never give me table scraps but I must admit I have stolen a few tiimes and boy did it make me sick.  It sure smelt good but my stomach didn't like it. I don't know how they keep the stuff down.  I have 3 sisters Vicki(10),Cassie(8) and Andrea(5) they are good to me also and play with me all the time.

Here are a few links I have come across so far

 Pics of Me   Dalmatians Graphics  Dalmatian Rescue
 Dalmatians  Moms Home Page  The Dal House
 Pics of the Family  Webrings I have Joined
E-mail my mom for any suggestion you may have for my page

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