![[SYDNIE BANNER]](sydbanner1.gif)
![[Animated Sydnie Banner]](sydaniban2.gif)
"Those we love are with the Lord, and the Lord has promised to be with us. If they are with Him and He is with us, they cannot be far away."
Sydnie, you'll ALWAYS be my baby girl. I'll love you forever, my baby you'll always be xoxoxox Mommy Click here to see our "new" family.
SYDNIE CLAIRE is my little Sunshine, my little Rainbow, my beautiful little Girl, one of the Lights of my Life and she's also my LITTLE SAINT. She died Saturday June 14, 1997 by drowning. Sydnie was 4 years old.
~author unknown~
![[animated worm]](purpworm.gif)
Was she just imagination,
The girl I held so dear;
The one who lived at our house?
I remember her so clear.
I remember how she used to come,
When she was scared or hurt;
I used to wash her face and hands
When she made mud pies in the dirt.
I used to rock her in a chair
Till she was fast asleep;
And when her eyes would finally close
Past her bed I'd softly creep.
She only stayed a little while,
She won't come anymore,
Although I'll always wish I'd see her
Running through our door.
The girl who lived at our house,
Her smile, her angel's face;
Not only was she mine awhile,
She's also in God's grace.
God let me keep her for awhile,
The girl who lived with me;
And then He took her back again,
For Heaven's eternity.
And there, I know, she thinks of me,
Although she seems so far;
She'll look and smile and throw a kiss
From atop her heavenly star.
I'll see her again someday, I know,
When toward Heaven I too will depart.
But until I see her there with God,
I'll just keep her forever in my heart.
Thank you for visiting my web site in memory of Sydnie Claire. By keeping her memory alive, she will always live on in our hearts.
Please take a moment to send me an email by clicking on the envelope. It means so much to me when you let me know you stopped by. Thank you!
Love & Hugs, Ju ![[Email Ju]](lavemail.gif)
![[Big Big]](drmsobigl.gif)
I love you big, BIG like the sky SYDNIE CLAIRE!!!
![[Animated Sydnie Button]](sydanibut.gif)
I'd like to take this time to thank all my bereaved parents friends who've helped me through all those dark, dreadful, dreary days...I'd be completely lost without you guys. No one truly understands our pain as we do. We'll always share the unfortunate bond of our children's deaths but with each other's help, love, and support we'll make it through until we're reunited with our children one glorious day, God willing...I love you all! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

COPYRIGHT: 1997-2008 JustJu@aol.com