Diary of Adam Yancey
Mormon missionary from Chesterfield, Idaho
while on a mission to Texas
Copied from the original by Arvilla Ellsworth Yancey July 1941.
Adam Yancey's grandfather Hiram John Yancey, along with other close relatives were, it would seem, the first members of the Yancey family to convert to Mormonism in the 1840's. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) was established in 1833 through the young prophet Joseph Smith. The Church quickly grew in Ohio, New York, Missouri, Illinois and other states. But under great persecution, resulting in the assassination of Joseph Smith, the church migrated West under the direction of Brigham Young, and settled in the Salt Lake Valley in Utah in the mid 1800's. Soon, Brigham Young called upon various families to move to various places throughout the Rocky Mountain region and establish Mormon colonies. In the late 1800's Adam Yancey and his wife were called upon to move to Southern Idaho, and help in establishing what became Chesterfield, Idaho. Here they had 14 children, 11 of which grew to adulthood. Adam was a farmer and kept a herd of dairy cattle. The family had to work hard to support themselves, and the winters were often severe. Under these circumstances, in 1895 Adam Yancey was called to serve as a Missionary in Texas - part of the "Southern States Mission". The hot, humid, and unhealthy conditions of the places he traveled in Texas, resulted in him being sick most of the time and he was given an early release from his calling. His success as a missionary, in terms of converts, was quite limited. But through his faith, willingness to sacrifice, and the way he lived what he believed - he was able to pass his testimony and convictions on to many of his (now over) 600 descendants - many of which are stalwart members of the Mormon faith - including Dennis J Yancey of Miami, Florida - a great grandson.
Mission to the Southern States:
Left home July 22 1895, left Bancroft ten forty P.M. arrived at Deweville about 6 A.M. visited a few friends then went to Honeyville and made a short visit, took train at 5 P.M. arrived at Saracuse 7 P.M. then visited at Alma Stokers and spent part of the 24th at their gatherings, there was a large assembly and a nice people. I met several friends then took the train at 3:20 P.M., arrived at Centerville 4:20 P.M. then visited East Bountiful Assembly met with our friends and relatives with a cheerful heart, spent the balance of the day at the meeting house with joyful friends, then I went up to father Judson Tolmans.
The next day the 25 brothers and sisters met there at 11 A.M. and welcomed I and Lamoni Tolman (my wife's brother who was going out with me) with a nice dinner and we had a good time together. Then I went to South Bountiful and visited many friends and relatives, on the 26th July we met at the Historians Office at 10 A.M. and gave our record and then I and Lamoni Tolman was appointed to go to Sulphur Springs, Texas instead of Chattanooga, Tenn.
We met at the Temple at 2 P.M. and there we was set apart for our missions and received a blessing from those that had authority, then we had the privilege of going through the Temple of God, which filled us with joy.
July 27, 1895 at 7:40 P.M. we took the Rio Grande for Sulphur Springs, then we flew through the beautiful fields of Utah without tiring, many a nice town we glided through then darkness covered the earth.
The morning of the 28th we found ourselves going thru the Rocky Mountains, then we arrived at Pueblo 7:30 A.M. then past many fields then took the Santa Fe to Lahunta arrived there 7:30 P.M. then we stayed there 4 hours then took the St Louis and Southwestern to Persill, feeling well we took our supper on the train then we arrived at Newton 2:30 P.M. and there we was met by our President Campbell and Elder Clitison July 30 1895.
Stopping at the hotel that night the next morning we walked 7 miles thru the timbered country till we came to Mr. Charles Spencers, we was met there with joy and Elder Overson and Elder Dalley we were made acquainted with we past that evening with songs and gossip and there we remained and on Aug 3rd at about 11 P.M. our President brought us the sad news of our brother ________ Halls death and Pres. Campbell and Elder Dalley started to meet the remains of our brother.
Aug 8th 1895. I and three others took a walk out in the woods and we got all the wild grapes that we wanted to eat and we got back about 5 P.M. we had been over one hour and a half.
Aug 9, I wrote to J.A. Tolman and spent the rest of the day reading and setting in the shade.
Aug 12, quite a cool day, saw a horse pulling a cross-forked wagon. I spent the rest of the day reading, the thermometer stood yesterday at 102 in the shade, we had what watermelons we could eat.
Aug 13, Spent the day reading and I received a letter from home and was glad to hear from them, it being the first letter I had received since I left home.
Aug 13, I was taken sick which was caused by the heat and I was not able to be doing anything until the 18th then I was considerable better. I received a letter from Home Aug 18th and all was well - how thankful I was when all was well.
Aug 19th was a clear warm day, it being Sunday there was several friends met at this place, there was two of the family bed sick with fever.
Aug 20, I and Elders Tolman and Overson took a walk in the woods of about three hours when we got back Elders Miner and Smith was there which we were glad to meet, we spent the evening in singing.
Aug 21, we spent the day by having a meeting and looking around as if we were old friends together. On 22nd Elders Miner and Smith left us and we went to their fields of labor. On Aug 23 I wrote home and on 24 I was sick until 26th.
Aug 25, Elder Overson left us and went to his field of labor, and I received a letter from my wife stating all is well.
Aug 26 I and Lamoni Tolman feeling some better we took a walk in the woods, Lamoni having had the fever each day for five days.
Aug 27, I am feeling considerable better. I took a walk down to a little pond and had a good bath, the pond being surrounded with timber made it shady yet the water was warm and has kind of a clayish green color there, it seems there ain't any streams running, the ponds is caused by rain or the high water in spring. The stock drink water that is so stagnant that it looks like it would be death instead of life as I was a going back I saw to quails.
Aug 28, All was well so Elder Chridister took a walk to the post office it being seven miles when he returned he brought a letter for me from home all was well but Alice she was not feeling well and I received my blessing and it gave me great satisfaction.
Aug 29, I was so sick that I was compelled to stay in the shade and suffer all day and it was sundown now but I am wet with sweat and have been since one oclock. The hottest part of the day here is from one oclock till eight oclock when the sun is down, you can set down and the sweat will drop off your face and hands the best you can do the warmest days.
Aug 30, I was still and the 31st and Sept 1st I am still suffering and don't seem to be any on the improve. On the 5th of Sept. I went to Sulphur Springs expecting to be sent to Chattanooga to labor but getting a different telegram from what I expected I did not go, I received a letter from home and one from Catherine Stoker all was well. I returned back to Mr. Spencers taking James Spencer home drunk.
Sep 6th this morning Elder Tolman and I and Pres. Campbell started a walk to Erma, Texas, a distance of 17 miles, we were refused dinner three times and offered to pay for it, so we walked without dinner got to Erma at 5 P.M. at 6 P.M. we took the train for Mineola 22 miles arrived at 8 P.M. we went to the hotel and stayed there that night at 2 A.M. Pres. Campbell left us for Wills Point.
Sep 7th, I and Lamoni spent the day in Mineola we went to the house of Mr. Brandon where Elder brother Hall had died and on the 8th and 9th Elder Dalley and Perry met us at the hotel. The 10th we started for Mr. Wallaces a distance of about ten miles walk the road being almost a sand bed. We arrived at about 2 P.M. and in about one hour I was taken down with a burning fever which has continued with me until the 12th and on the
13th I was confined to my bed having a chill and a fever which lasted all day and the 14th still tied to my bed.
On the 15th I and Bros. Tolman, Dalley and Perry decided that it was wisdom for me to not stay in Texas so Elder Dalley wrote to Pres. Kimball asking for me to be changed to a colder climate or be released. I told him I preferred to be changed to a colder climate rather then to be released but I said I would do just what he said for me to do.
The 16th I was still in bed but was some better. On the 17th two of Mr. Wallaces neighbors died.
The 18th Sep, I was still unable to get around on account of my fever the family of the house went off to wash some distance with the team they took there clothes and went to where there was water and dun their washing and left Lamoni and I to take care of the house.
Sep 19th, I was able to take a little walk to have some exercise we went down to where some men were making ties and Moan helped one man cut down one tree that he thought would make 10 ties out of it.
Sep 20th, I was bale to be up part of the time, the weather seems to be very warm.
Sep 21st about the same day as the day before part of the time on the bed part of the time not, long hot days to spend idle time and suffer these long days.
Sep 22nd, I was able to be around not allowing myself to be out in the sunshine, Bros. Perry and Dalley started last Monday to labor in a little town which was five miles away stopping at a hotel Monday night.
Tuesday morning commenced their labors after visiting five or six families Elder Dalley was obliged to return back to the hotel he was taken with chills and fever. Elder Perry thought to continue his labors and visited 32 families that day and there was only two families where they did not have one or two down with the chills and fever.
The next morning Elder Perry started from the hotel as soon as it was light and came to the family where he was and got a team to get Elder Dalley back with, then they both were sick the rest of the week along with myself at the same time.
There was two tie-makers boarding there both of them were sick in bed and the lady of the house was sick too so there was six of us ailing at once together.
Sep 23rd, feeling nearly all right I received a letter from S. G. Kimball advising me to go to St Louis on account of my health. I then answered and accepted the offer and wrote home to my family, the day being the coolest day that we had in Texas.
Sep 24th I wrote to Frederick Bergeson and to Nephi Moss, the weather is getting very hot again, the thermometer still reaches 117. It is as a general thing that the frost don't come in Texas till the middle of December, Elders Tolman and Perry started to labor this afternoon for two or three days if the y can stand the hot weather.
Sep 25th, I spent the forenoon with a gentleman that was boarding at the same place that I was, Out in the timber and helped him make ties and he asked me if I believed in infant baptism , I told him I did not I then explained to him the proper mode of baptism and that infants needed no baptism until they arrived to the years of accountability, he then agreed with me and he said he believed I was right, he told me that ministers had told him that there were infants in hell that was not six inches long.
Sep 26th No News.
Sep 27th, Elder Perry and Tolman returned again, they had been to the post office but brought no mail for me, it being over three weeks since I had heard from home. I was looking for some mail but it did not come, all is well at present.
The night of the 27th. I had a dream, I thought that I was a kneeling down and bent over by the side of a bed that was made down on the floor and it seemed that my little girl Alice, she came to me with her face and hands washed clean and her hair combed and braided nice. She came and put her face to my face and said, "I want to go to mamma, go to mamma, I said "mamma is a long way from here, I had her in my arms but still she said I want to go to mamma, then I arose up with her and Bro Tolman said, what does she want. I said, she wants to go to mamma, then it aroused me so I awoke the tears running down my cheeks.
Sep 28th, I fasted, feeling first rate but it was very warm so I had to stay in the shade most of the day.
Sep 29th, It being Sunday so we stayed in not allowing ourselves to be found doing much on Sunday, for our example is being watched very close, so I wrote home to my wife, it being three weeks since I received a letter from home I was very anxious for word from home.
Sept 30 spent the day in helping cut tie trees, pick goobers and shell peas and having a bath. Wrote to father Tolman, it was quite a cool day.
Oct 1st I received a letter from Chatanooga expecting to go to Bay St. Louis, but instead of going there they wanted me to stay in Texas, I was met with a disappointment sure enough. Elders Tolman and Perry left us for a week, Elder Dalley lay sick in bed, it seems that we met with disappointment right along.
Oct 2nd, I dug a sack of sweet potatoes and picked a sack of peas and waited on the lady of the house, spent the rest of the day in idleness not being able to read.
Oct 2nd, I wrote home to my wife and explained to her my different difficulties. Bro. Dalley not being able to be out it was a long day for me so I wrote to Amzy Dolbeer, I went out in the woods and set there to write the letter and spent the rest of the day in the shade, So passed Sep 3rd.
Sep 4th It rained all the forenoon so I had to stay in the house till it quit then I took a walk in the woods to pass off the time it seemed to be so lonesome, such long days here. Mr Wallace sheared three sheep this afternoon, they shear sheep twice a year here.
Oct 5th, Not feeling so well and Bro Dalley is not any better, the day being a warm cloudy day I had taken a couple of walks out in the evening. Mr. Wallace came with a load of wood and they fetched a "santeff" and we put it in a bottle it is supposed to be one of the most poison insects that is known.
Oct 6th. It is Sunday today and a good long one to spend the day in laying around the house and I received two letters from home, one dated Sep 5th and one Sep 22nd. Not having heard since Sep 5th I was very glad to hear from home and that all was well, made me feel thankful to God.
Oct 7th, I spent the forenoon in helping build a stable. Bro Dalley is still in bed, this afternoon I went and had a bath in a little pond.
Oct 8th I and Elder Dalley had made all arrangements to go to Mineola to meet Elders Perry and Tolman, just as we were getting ready to start Elder Tolman came and said Elder Perry was sick and that we had better go stay to Mr. J.J. Wallace another week, we had been there four weeks then so we were disappointed again, it looks like that it was a going to be nothing but disappointments. Elder Perry had sent for his release, so then I went to the potato patch and got a sack of potatoes to eat.
Oct 9th, I spent the day by taking a walk out in the woods and I wrote home to my wife to let them know I was well. There was an old man that lived nearby here that had no family but two little girls about 4 and 6 years. He was living alone with them, the little children said that their father got dinner for them after dinner their father went to bed but they said that they could not wake him and that he was cold, when they went to bed. They got up the next morning they could not wake him. It is supposed that he died the day before. The little girls had no friends or relatives and it is supposed they will be taken to the poor house. I felt like if I had it in my power I would take care of them.
Oct 10th, I helped Mr. Wallace hall corn in cockle burrs as high as my head.
Oct 11th, I spent the day in gathering peas, nuts and goobers and shelling some peas for Elder Perry. He was going home and he wanted them for seed, he thought they would grow in his country, he was sick in bed so I gathered them for him, then I wrote to Joseph Wood and sent them some of my cards.
Oct 12th, I was taken with a chill again which lasted from 11 A.M. the rest of the day and a part of the night, which made me very weak and faint. I had no dinner or supper. I stayed to Mr. Wallace;s four weeks and five days, his farm is five miles from Golden East, ten miles from Mineola, north west. In stopping there it seemed very lonesome, some days I would go out and gather dome hickory nuts and then go get in the shade somewhere out of sight and eat them. It was a very tedious job but anything to kill time for I could not read or study for the fever had worked on my brain so it would not allow me to read or study only a very few minutes at a time. I had fever which never quit for seven days at one time and two chills at the same time. Sometimes when sitting in the house the family would commence such talk about their neighbors that it made me disgusted and I would get up and get our of the racket. While I was there they learned how to make light bread and they were so taken up with it that when the risen commenced to come up they would bring it to me for me to look at and when the bread was done they would bring the bread for me to look at although it was very dirty.
Oct 13th. I was feeling very bad with aches and pains all day long and the day set for to go to Mineola at half past two P.M. we started for Golden a distance of five miles, we arrived at Golden at 4 P.M. took train at 7:30 P.M. arrived at Mineola at 8:20 P.M. so we went to Mr. Fergusons Hotel and stopped there till morning.
Oct 15th, After having a good nights rest we got our breakfast then we went to the post office. I got a letter from my dear wife and she said all was well and I was glad to hear it. I got a card from Spencers, said that they had sent my valise. Elder Parry met us at the Hotel, Elder Tolman was so sick he was not able to come with him so we was obliged to stay at the hotel for a week.
Oct 16th. I spent the day in writing a letter home to my wife and I sent my coat home and I took a walk to see how Elder Tolman was, when I got about half way I met him a coming so he came back with me, he said he was hungry for an onion so he got ten cents worth for 4 cents a pound then he came and stopped with us for an hour or two then I walked part of the way back with him, then it was nearly supper time. feeling well.
Oct 17th, I spent the day at the hotel and I wrote to Daniel Moss and A.S. Campbell and when I sat on the upper front porch of the hotel looking at the movements of the town, watching the people both black and white, the movements of the cars and engines and the bales of cotton coming in to town made many a curious thought run thru my mind, thoughts from home and all around, the sunshine warm came pouring down, the little breeze from the south which seemed to say there is breath for my mouth but here comes an engine N 116 that seems to fill the air with smoke and coal with its four little driving wheels how swiftly they roll, but the man with his little red flag on the crossing stood and each team he controls, there comes another engine which makes its puff roar, the wind mill that stands in the middle of the road draws the water for the people and teams, but has no sound there in the Mineola town. The tie teams five of them were passing by I got down and went to the post office passing by the cotton yards, and saw 1000 bales of cotton it was a surprise to me and the passenger train came in and made me stand to one side and all this day my partner Dalley" did lay on his bed not able to do anything, supper time came and at dark I sat on the porch again when I heard the cry "Your house is on fire, your house is on fire!" which gave much alarm, then the pistols and guns went bang, bang, bang, the people ran from all around to see the fire, they began to work and got it under control alright.
Oct 18th I spent the day at the hotel but did not feel as well as the day before so I laid on the bed part of the time. Elder Tolman and Perry came and made us a visit for a little while about five oclock P.M. there as a funeral past by, things around town seem to be moving the same as usual.
Oct 19th, I spent the day in going and seeing the cotton gin where the cotton is taken and cleaned for the seeds, 1500 pounds before the seeds are taken out and then there is 500 pounds of cotton, it is then put in bales of five hundred pounds in a bail, the cotton seed is used for feeding stock and is very good, then I went to the post office and got a letter from home and was glad to hear from home, so I went right back and answered it and asked them to send 25 dollars to Chattanooga so to have the money to pay my fare home when I saw fit. Then I took the letter to the post office and Elder Dalley and I started to go about two miles to see Lamoni and his partner, we had only got about a quarter of a mile when Bro Dalley took sick and was obliged to go back, and it was all he could do to get back.
Oct 20, Today is Saturday, the town seems to be full of people and teams, today is there great market day, everybody must come to town today whether they have any business or not. I was compelled to take to my bed with the chills which lasted all day and all night.
Oct 21st I am feeling a little better, I and Brother Dalley went a distance of two miles to Mr. Brandens, Mrs. Branden was baptized, she being the first one in Texas to receive baptism. While standing by the water I was taken with a chill which lasted the day and night, not being able to return to the hotel, Elder Perry went in my place and I remained at Mr. Brandons.
Oct 22nd I and Lamoni walked from Mr. Brandens to the hotel, Lamoni expecting to go with Elder Perry to make a visit and hold a meeting when we got there Elder Perry was down with a fever so they could not go and I was taken down with a very bad chill, from which I suffered very much and was not able to stand the rest of the day and night.
Oct 23rd, I was compelled to stay in bed on account of my chill, yesterday not feeling able to be up Elder Tolman came to see me and stay a couple of hours, he said Elder Perry had a chill last night. About dark, I had another chill so I did not have any supper that night and not any sleep till after one oclock.
Oct 24th, I spent the most of my time in bed feeling weak and trembly, so I sent to Pres. E.S. Kimball asking for my release. I was willing to let the matter rest with my Heavenly Father, he being the one to judge in this case.
Oct 25th, I was feeling better and was able to be up all the day. I went and had a look a t a Compress, there is where the 500 pound bales of cotton is pressed over again making them about half the size they were before, then it is ready to ship off, it sells at from $8.50 to $9.25 per hundred. Today I learned that after a lady was sixteen years old that anything that her and her husband or any man was a mind to do to each other was lawful and that they were trying to get the age down to 14 instead of 16, there is no law against relatives marrying.
Oct 26th. I am feeling middling well, Elder Dalley and Tolman has gone to hold a meeting and Elder Perry has gone back to Brandens, so it leaves me here al alone. I received a letter from home and one from Judson A. Tolman and I wrote to my wife and told her that I had sent for my release to return home. And then took the letter to the office and then I got shingled and returned back to my room in the hotel and was left alone, then it was supper time, after supper I went to my room and after reading a while went to bed.
Oct 27th, I spent the day by going to Mr. Brandens for a few hours and the rest of the day at the hotel al alone. It was quite lonesome. no news in particular.
Oct 28th, I waited at the hotel for Elder Tolman and Dalley, they came in time for dinner, after dinner we went to the post office and I got a letter from home and one from Fred Bergeson, Joseph C. Wood and Pres. Kimball all seemed to be well, we then started for Mr. Brandens a distance of two miles, we were to stay there till the next Thursday then we were all to go to Greenville, or a little place nine miles from there to hold conference to receive instructions regarding our labors it being fifty or fifty five miles from here.
Oct 29th, It was a cloudy day and it seemed very lonesome, out in the woods nothing to see or nothing to do makes the days seem very long and very lonesome, so I took two letters to the post office for Moan, he left for a day or two travel, I and Elder Perry is at Mr. Brandens.
Oct 30 I am stopping at Mr. Brandens it rained all the forenoon and I had to stay in the house till after dinner then I took a walk along the railroad to pass off the time the day being so long and lonesome, I was gone about one hour and a half, but it seemed to tire me out, it seems that I ain't worth any more when it comes to doing anything. I tire out for a very little.
Oct 31st, I spent the day by going to Mineola with the Ox Team and I got a letter from my wife and all was well, she had sent the 25 dollars I had sent for, I helped Bro. Branden haul some wood and I and Elder Perry prepared to start for Greenville the next morning, the day was quite a cool day and I felt some better, while we were at Mr. Brandens we read a chapter from the Bible then one of us attended prayers.
Nov 1st 1895. I left Brandens at 7 A.M. for Mineola took train at 8:10 A.M. for Greenville a distance of 50 miles, arrived at Greenville 11 A.M. and ten of the elders met at the hotel and Pres. Kimball was to be in at 2:30. I and Elder Smith went with Mr. William Tredway to his place a distance of 27 miles and there we stayed all night, it being the first place that I had a meal without paying for it. Greenville is a nice town of about 6,000 inhabitants.
Nov 2nd, We walked to the school house a distance of two miles, while waiting for the rest of the Elders we looked around at the country, This place is what they call prairie, it is out of the timber and you can see all around as far as you can see but there ain't any mountains to be seen, the sun goes down in the ground, it looks so strange to me, it being noon we went to dinner and when we came back Pres. Kimball received word or a telegram from Chatanooga that one of the Elders in southern Calina Conference was dead and it made a very down cast feeling among the ten of us. There waiting for meeting to commence, at 8 P.M. we had a good council meeting until 11 P.M. Then our conference commenced from which we received very good instructions, at 2:30 we held another council meeting we went to the schoolhouse and there we had a meeting and I was called to open the meeting. After the meeting I and Elder Tolman went to Mr. Boyens and stayed the night, the 4th, we walked to Greenville a distance of 7 miles. After having dinner and a talk with the Elders and bid them good-bye we took the cotton belt railroad and at 2:30 P.M. arrived at Fort Worth at 6:20 P.M. waited there till 8:10 then we started for Percell, we soon crossed Red River, that being the line between Texas and Indian Territory, this is a prairie country and you can see all around, in places there is patches of timber, the shrubbery is very short, it is mostly rabbit brush.
Nov 5th, I arrived at Percell at 3:40 there we changed cars, this is the Gulf Colorado and Santa Fe railroad Co., then we started for Newton from there to Oklahoma where we arrived at 5 A.M. A city of 6,000 inhabitants, then we arrived at Arkansas City at 9 A.M. stopped 20 minutes for breakfast, this is quite a large town, the train seems to be crowded all the time, there is six cars on this train, passing thru an entirely clear country, passed over two large rivers then we arrived at Newton, then we gave our ticket to the agent and got another here, we remained till 3:45 then we took the Atchison, Topkea and Santa Fe railway then we passed thru some more prairie country and stopped at Kingsley at 8:10 P.M. then darkness covered the earth and the train was very crowded.
Nov 6th we arrived at Pueblo at 6:15 A.M. we followed along the Arkansas River from Texas, the ground is white with frost this morning, the first frost I have seen this fall, then we came to what is called Pikes Peak, it is said to be 15000 feet high, it looks like it has about two inches of snow on it. We arrived at Colorado Springs at 6:50 and we are to stay here till 11:20 A.M. on arriving here we found that our watches was one hour fast, there being that much difference in that distance, then we started in the Rocky Mountains and came to a narrow canyon with high cliffs above and below and there was lots of nice buildings or resorts. The hills were covered with bird's eye pine, three groves were cleaned out and had nice paths and lawns which made it very beautiful.
The railroad was very crooked and kept up high on the side-hill, there was 15 tunnels which we went thru one was two miles long, and there was many a high cliff. When I left Colorado Springs I was taken with a chill and a fever which made me feel very sick, so I did not enjoy the scenery as I would have done.
Elder Perry had a chill last night, then we started down the west side there was 2 or 3 inches of snow, then we stopped at Leadville for supper then coming down thru the narrow rocky canyon we came to Cokeville, it being a place where they burn coke, there was 75 kilns burning all at once, it was eleven oclock at night and to see 75 blazing fires all in a row it was a grand sight. At this place there was about 4 inches of snow. When we changed cars at Colorado Springs we had one of the finest chair cars that there is, and it did not say this for negroes or this for whites.
Nov 7th we arrived at Grnd Junction at 2:00 A.M. when our train was crowded again with lots of children, we arrived at Green River 5:50 A.M. and daylight came and we found ourselves in the south part of Utah.
The country is very rough and rugged rolling hills of gravel, then we arrived at Helper, 20 minutes for breakfast then the next large place was Provo, one of the beautiful cities of Utah, then we came to Spanish Fork then to Lehi and it seemed to be a settlement on to Salt Lake where we arrived at 2:30 P.M. then to Bountiful, Centerville and Farmington, Keysville then Syracuse arrived at Ogden 3:30 then we took the Utah Northern at 6:30 P.M. and then arrived at Brigham City where I and Elder Perry parted with a thankful hand shake. Then I glided along till I reached Pocatello at about 11:30 P.M. waited there till 2:20 A.M.
Friday Nov 8th, then I took the Oregon Short Line for Bancroft arriving at 5:30 A.M. and at 7:00 A.M. I was taken with another chill being quite sick for the last three days, then I was assisted by Mrs. Tina Johnson and her mother with the best of care, then as soon as I was able to ride, Mr Banks hitched his team to his buggy and his son brought me home, for which I was very thankful, arrived home Friday Nov 8th, 1895.