Works Progress Administration of Virginia
Historical Inventory
Margaret Jeffries
This house stands quite near the road for a country house, in a large grove of trees of different kinds. The yard takes in almost an acre and is at present [1937] fenced in with wire. To one side of the yard and just outside is the graveyard, enclosed by an iron fence. Here are buried all the Yanceys who have died since the first Lewis Davis Yancey.
The house itself is a brick structure of three stories, of somewhat square appearance. A rather long flight of steps leads up to the front door which is protected from the weather by a porch about the size of porches found on houses built at this time.
Inside, the high ceilings and large square rooms speak of the comfort which this family has always been accustomed. The graceful curving stairway leads to the second floor where there are bedrooms.
The house has been rented out for the last few years and has not been taken care of as meticulously as heretofore. The walls are in need of repair and repapering, a fact which gives the place an air of dilapidation which it really does no t deserve. The main structure of the house is solid as the day it was built.
The tract of land was part of a large grant, thought to have been about forty thousand acres*, given to Charles Kavanaugh* some time prior to 1710. In 1710 Lewis Davis came to this country, met Mildred Kavanaugh, fell in love with her and married her. As was the law in those days, her property became his. In that way this tract, which was given to his daughter by Charles Kavanaugh, came into the possession of the Yancey family. It has remained in the same family, being handed down from father to son ever since, until just recently when it had to be sold. It was bought by James P. Yancey who is the one who would have inherited it.
This house, like so many others in the South, was used during the War between the States as a temporary hospital but was not damaged in this use.
*DJY: Research would indicate that the original grant was more like 4,000 acres - and the name of Mildred Winifred Kavanaugh's father was Philemon Kavanaugh, not Charles.
From: "Descendants of Lewis Davis
By Barbara Vaughn
A large three-story brick house was built on the Yancey estate not far from the site of the log house about 1806. It too was called "Arlington". The log house burned sometime after the brick one was completed. It is thought the brick structure was built by Thomas Yancey, he having inherited the estate from his father, Charles Yancey. The contractor for the new house was Mr. J. Coons of Culpeper County. Laid in Flemish bond, the bricks were hand pressed and likely made from clay mined on Yancey land.
Locating "Arlington" through the book "Ancestors and Descendants of Capt. Layton Yancey" By Rebecca Yancey, my husband and I made a trip in 1983 to Virginia. Taking State Route #685 northwest out of Brandy Station and having driven about 3.5 miles a large red-brick house suddenly loomed through the trees. From Rebecca's description, I knew we had reached our destination. We turned into a long lane lined with maple trees and ahead, on a slight elevation, stood "Arlington", a stately house of Federal design. From the hipped roof rose three large chimneys. A Roman Revival Portico on the front gave shelter to a heavy paneled door with rectangular sidelights and transom.
"Arlington" is currently [1986] owned and occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Levy and daughter, Liza. The Levy's are in the process of restoration. Changing hands only three times since Yancey ownership, the house retains most of its original elements. The eleven rooms remain as they were built, only their use has changed. The one time kitchen and dining room on the ground floor, English basement, are now used as a family room and recreational area. A modern kitchen, formal dining room, library and parlor occupy the main floor, each with its original mantle, wide pine floor boards and multi paned windows.
From the front central hall a two-flight stair case with walnut rail newel and balustrades leads to the top floor. A wide landing and hall link the bedrooms.
Under the side porch on the west side of the house is the entrance to what was once the kitchen, pantry and keeping rooms. As I stood in the cool of the kitchen door, I envisioned house slaves sitting in the shade of the porch churning cream or perhaps, dozing in the heat of the day. It was not until mid 1900 that the slave cabins beyond the springhouse were torn down.
Components for making concrete must have been plentiful on the plantation for it was used extensibly as a building material.. All outside steps are built of concrete as are the raised troughs and floor in the stone spring house. Cold water once ran through the troughs to cool the jars of milk and crocks of perishable food.
The soil type of the Yancey land is "Culpeper Loam" which is suited to growing tobacco, corn, small grains and pastures. It is evident that Lewis Davis Yancey raised cattle for he furnished beef to feed soldiers of the Virginia Militia during the American Revolution.
"Arlington", like so many other large homes in the South, was used during the Civil War as a temporary hospital.
[Story about Arlington used as Civil War Hospital]
Beyond the house, farther down the lane, a high stone wall marks the family graveyard. Here, Lewis Davis Yancey and Mildred Winifred Kavanaugh Yancey are buried. His original stone is gone and a more modern one marks the grave. A square stone with the initial "W" denotes Winifred's grave. The tombstone of Lewis Davis and several other stones are made of concrete and appear to have been cast from the same mold. The inscriptions were transferred from the original tombstones to the present ones and in doing so, digits were transposed and not all dates are correct.
Inscribed on the tombstone of Lewis Davis Yancey is "1689-1784". The date of birth is manifestly wrong. The date "1698" best fits the family sequence of children. The marriage date "1710" is incorrect - that date is more likely to be the birth date of Mildred Winifred. Her last child James, was born in 1752. The death date of Mildred Winifred Yancey is unknown. However, in a document dated December 1797, Winifred Yancey, widow of Lewis Davis Yancey, relinquished land in Culpeper county to Charles Yancey. It can be assumed that Winifred Yancey, due to her advanced age, died soon after this legal transaction."
The grave of Lewis Davis Yancey was marked by the Sons of the American Revolution in a ceremony held on September 28 1985.
Other quotes of Barbara Vaughn:
"The day of the SAR Grave marking, Sally told about "Arlington" being used for a temporary hospital during the Civil War and how the Yanceys buried their sterling silver coffee service and other silver pieces in the garden."
"When I visited Arlington estate in 1983 and viewed the land where Lewis Davis Yancey had trod and dwelt, I could almost feel his presence. Walking toward the family cemetery, a vision of his funeral procession clouded my eyes. I could see his stalwart sons lifting his coffin over the stile and down into the stone walled graveyard. What a pity this sacred burial ground is in such a state of neglect."
Yancey Family Cemetery
Route 685, 13344 Arlington Farm View Lane ("The
Culpeper, Virginia 22701
by Julie K. Yancey - 1998
See More photos of cemetery at: http://pages.prodigy.net/teafor2/YanceyCulpVA.htm
[Note that the grave stones are NOT the originals - but probably placed around 1910]
This is the oldest known burial ground of the Yancey Family. This family cemetery is located on the grounds of the "Arlington" the home lived in by Lewis Davis Yancey, and his wife Mildred Winifred Kavanaugh, along with their children. It should be noted that Lewis Davis Yancey acquired this land, a total of 20,000 acres from his father-in-law Philemon Kavanaugh, and Mr. Kavanaughs wife, Sarah Williams. Philemon Kavanaugh was awarded a 40,000 land grant in 1710, and passed along 20,000 acres to Lewis Davis at the time of his marriage to their daughter.
Also important to note here is that some of the property, at least 300 acres of it was still owned by the Yancey family until 1939, when the last Yancey to own the home, J. P. Yancey lost it to the Commonwealth of Virginia. The amount of indebted taxes with interest and penalty was under three dollars ($3.00). What a sacrifice that must have been.
J.W. Yancey, in 1910, built the huge concrete wall around the cemetery. His son was J.P., who lost the home in 1939. The property has never been back in the hands of any Yanceys since that time. There is a Deed of Reservation for the family cemetery, and actually, the family cemetery is still an active one which means that Yanceys can still be buried there.
It is believed that there is no more room on the inside of the concrete wall, however, the Yancey family does have land, located on the Arlington property and a right-of-way running straight up the existing driveway. The cemetery measurements are 140 x 140. The cemetery is only to house Yanceys and their descendants, forever, as this deed runs with the land. The Deed itself is located in the Culpeper County Courthouse, Deed Book 45 at Page 348.
It is known that many, many Yancey families had problems with former owners, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Levy. Mr. Levy tried very hard to not allow Yanceys" on his property, nor access to the cemetery. Legal action became necessary. The Levys allowed pigs to run in the cemetery causing massive damage to the stones there and to the concrete walls and steps in and from the cemetery.
It wasnt until the current owners, Mr. and Mrs. Craig Malloy bought the property, that an actual "restoration" has begun. The Malloys paid a great price for the property and home, as well as the outbuildings, and their intentions seem genuine to restore the home to its proper and dignified state.
The Arlington home is in bad shape, however, they are prepared to take the time and steps to make Arlington into what it once was and promises to be once again.
Please note that all stones are in very bad shape. Buried in the cemetery that I could identify are those of:
Lewis Davis Yancey
1689 1784
married 1710
Mildred W. Kavanaugh
Parents of
Elizabeth, Richard,
Charles, Philip, John,
Robert, Lewis, James
Charles Yancey
18th Century
Caroline Powers 1740
Parents of
Kesia, Anne, William,
Thomas, Charles, Major, James
Thomas Yancey
1758 1826
Sarah Mitchell
married Dec. 1800
Parents of
Charles L. 1801-1867
John W. 1803-1894
James P. 1804-1884
Elizabeth Wiggington 1806-1841
Benjamin M. 1809-1901
Ann Lightfoot 1812-1881
Susan T. 1814-1850
Major Yancey
Died May 9, 1819
in the 75th year
of his age
Susan T. Yancey
wife of Major Yancey
Died March 6, 1801
in the 78th year
of her age
In memory of
James P. Yancey
Born Oct. 30, 1804
Died March 3, 1884
He so lived that he
was honored and
respected among men
In memory of
Mary Ann
beloved wife of
J. P. Yancey
Died May 28, 1859
in the 42 year of
her age
Our father
Benjamin Mitchell
[the rest of the stone is illegible]
In memory of
wife of
B. M. Yancey
Died April, 1861
Aged 44 years
James Wm. Yancey
1852 1924
Florence M. Yancey
1860 19
Parents of
Ethel, James, Wm.
Until the light of
the eternal morning
[note there is no date after 19__, this is not a typo]
Edward D. Yancey
Oldest son of
Benjamin M. and
Catharine J. Yancey
Dec. 20, 1842
Feb. 19, 1922
Lieutenant in Chews Battery
Stuarts Artillery 1862-1865
Charles Kavanaugh Yancey
Surgeon U.S. Navy
Second son of
Benj. M. and Cath J. Yancey
Born Feb. 22, 1848
Died Feb. 9, 1907
The death of
[the rest of the stone is illegible]
William Banks
Infant son of
B.M. and Catharine
Died Nov. 2, 18__
[the rest of date and the rest of the stone are illegible]
Ethel May
daughter of
Jas. Wm. and
Florence M. Yancey
Born June 26, 1888
Died April 24, 1904
Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they see god
Sarah A. Wiggington
Sept. 13, 1828
Feb. 16, 1906
She trusted in God and
had an abiding faith
Infant son of
W.M. and W. N. Yancey
[stone is illegible]
May 29, 1922
[stone is illegible]
Susan Elizabeth Wiggington
Born 1837 Died 1928
Elizabeth Yancey
William Wiggington
These headstone were transcribed by me. Most of the stones are down on the ground. I have done the best that I could do under the circumstances. This has been reviewed twice, and I have not found any errors that I would be passing along. It should be noted that most of the headstones were accompanied by footstones, yet I am not sure which ones belonged to which due to the fact that most of the stones have been moved from their original locations. Less than a handful had initials on the footstones. I am awaiting the photographs to come back to be able to double check my chart here with the photographs. There were photos taken of every stone (at least two), in order to make sure that all were there and accounted for. There may be unmarked stones that I am not aware of, but please know that the undergrowth was tremendous and I was somewhat hurried. I will be returning, most likely within the next two weeks for the beginning of my second visit.
If anyone would like to donate money to the Yancey Family Cemetery Trust for improvements, including a rod iron fence encumbering the entire plot of the cemetery with a gate, or help with defraying costs of the old concrete wall, tree removal, etc., please contact: Susan Williams, Trustee, 214 Park Avenue, Culpeper, Virginia 22701 or at her home telephone (540) 829-1099. Susan has helped me a lot. I will be helping her once a month after the initial clean up of the cemetery. I will be helping her with that as well.
This information is not intended for the use of anything but for family use. It is not intended for publication other than private, and may NOT be used for any type of financial gain. It is here to help others with their quest for information and to proudly share our heritages with them, no other reason.
Thank you.
Julie K. Yancey
email: julie@visuallink.com