Burbridge Scott Yancey, M.D.
Extracted from:
"Men of Mark
and Representative Citizens of
Harrisonburg and Rockingham County, Virginia"Born February 3, 1902, in Harrisonburg; attended Harrisonburg schools and Lane High School, Charlottesville, graduating at the latter in 1919; academic student, University of Virginia. 1919-22: M.D., U. Va, 1926; hospital training in U. S. Marine Hospital, Sydenham Hopital and University of Maryland Hospital, all in Baltimore; student intern, Catawba Sanatorium, Catawba. Va., and Piedmont Sanatorium. Burkeville; in private practice at Chase Citv, associated with Chase City Hospital, 1928-31; in private practice internal medicine. at Harrisonburg since 1932: instructor in medicine, R. M. Hospital school of nursing.
Dr. Yancey is a son of Daniel Burbridge and Nannie Rector Reid Yancey. His paternal grandparents were Charles Albert and Julia Portafield Morrison Yancey of Harrisonburg. A sketch of Charles A. Yancey, Esq.. appears in Part Two of this work. After Burbridge had gone through the Main Street Graded School and the first two years of high school in Harrisonburg the family moved to Charlottesville where he completed his high-school work in Lane High School in 1919. Having spent several years in the academic department of the University of Virginia, he, in 1922, entered the medical department of the University where he received the M. D. degree in 1926. For some time he continued his training in Baltimore hospitals and then served as interne in Catawba Sanatorium and Piedmont Sanatorium as already indicated. Before graduation he served one year (1924) as student assistant in anatomy at the University. After three years of private practice in Chase City where he was associated with the local hospital he returned to Harrisonburg where he has since been successfully engaged in private practice. He was formerly instructor in anatomy in Rockingham Memorial Hospital, and is now instructor in medicine in the school of nursing in the same institution. At Chase City he was president of the Mecklenburg County Medical Society and since locating in Harrisonburg has served a term as president of the Rockingham Medical Society. At the University he was a member of the Phi Beta Pi fraternity and the Whitead Society He was Associate Surgeon (R) of U. S. public health service in the Marine Hospital from 1928 to 1936, was Captain M. C. of the 116th Infantry, and in 1939 was elected Fellow of the American College of Physicians. He is affiliated with local, state, and national medical societies, chairman of the Harrisonburg City Board of Health; a member of the Virginia State Pneumonia Commission. and was a member (1930-3 5 ) of the military affairs committee of the Medical Society of Virginia. He is also examining physician of the Rockingham County Selective Service Board.
Dr. Yancey has presented numerous papers before medical societies and is the author of several valuable scientific articles that have been published in medical journals. In 1929 he read before the Mecklenburg Medical society his treatise on Tularentia -case reports- a pioneer study. In 1930 Virginia Medical Monthly published his study of Agranulocytosis Angina. In the same journal, in 1939 appeared his paper on Argyria Following Nasal Packs, which had been read before the Shenandoah Vallev Medical Society.
On June 19, 1926, Dr. Yancey married Miss Esther Dodson, born November 8, 1902, daughter of Beverly Sydnor and Mary Ann Dodson of Pitttsylvania County, Va. Dr. and Mrs. Yancey have three daughters: Mary Ann, born August 8, 1928; Betty Scott, born October 12, 1930; and Julia Reid, born September 13, 1935.