Lawyer and Banker
"Men of Mark
and Representative Citizens of
Harrisonburg and Rockingham County, Virginia"
Born February 25. 1886 at McGaheysville; attended Oak Hill Aacademv, McGahevsville; A. B; Randolph-Macon College, 1908; LL B, Georgetown University, 1912: practiced law at Muskogee, Okla, I912-1917; at Tulsa since March 15 1917, with offices until recently also in Oklahoma City; has specialized in law of corporations and oil and gas development; active in banking and organizing banks; operator of cattle ranch and dairy farm; owner of numerous real estate developments; member of the Presbyterian Church and active in all civic enterprises; especially promoting commercial aviation.
Mr. Yancev is one of the sons of Rockingham who have won notable success in the great Southwest. His father was Dr. L. B. Yancey and his mother, before marriage. Was Virginia Hopkins. His paternal grandparents were Col. Wm. B. Yancey and his second wife, Mary Gibbons. After graduating in law at Georgetown University, in Washington City, he went to Muskogee, Oklahoma where he practiced five years. Since then he has been located at Tulsa, which in early days was termed the "Oil Center of the World." His practice has been devoted mostly to corporation law and those branches pertaining to oil and gas, but he has also been active in banking and has been a director of various banks in the city of Tulsa and Tulsa County. He helped to organize the Fourth National Bank of Tulsa, of which he is a stockholder, a director and the chief counsel. He organized the Morris Plan Banks of Oklahoma with branches, in Texas and Kansas, as well as in the chief cities of Oklahoma. Besides his headquarters in Tulsa, he did until recently, maintain offices in Oklahoma City. He owns and operates large cattle ranch in eastern Oklahoma and a Grade-A Holstein dairy farm adjacent to Tulsa. Tulsa, when he moved there in 1917 had a population of about 20,000; it is now a city of 175,000. In this city Mr. Yancey has developed a number of business properties of which he is the owner. He has been active in the chamber of commerce, the Salvation Army, the Y. M. C. A., and in the building of airports, taking much interest in the promotion of commercial aviation. As a pilot himself, he flew his own airplane until a few months ago.
In politics Mr. Yancey is nominally a Democrat, but votes independently for those whom he regards as standing for the best principles. He is an active member of the Presbyterian Church and has given much aid to the Salvation Army, helping to build and remodel the Salvation Army Citadel in Tulsa and the S. A. Maternitv Hospital near Tulsa. he belongs to the Tulsa Club, the principal social club of the city. For recreation he hunts and fishes, being familiar with the streams and woods from northern Canada to the middle of Old Mexico. He has killed big game, including moose, elk, and deer. In recent years he has devoted much time to fishing and holds the record of landing the second biggest tiger shark (1200 pounds) ever caught along the Gulf Coast of Texas. He keeps good riding horses and is vice-commodore of the Cherokee Yacht Club. The latter is located on "Lake o' the Cherokees" a large lake built by the U. S. Government, about 80 miles from Tulsa.
Mr. Yancey's wife was Miss Eleanor White, married in 1911, a daughter of Thomas S. and Sarah Cameron White of Lexington, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Yancey are the parents of three children: Lois Cameron, born December 25, 1911; Eleanor Virginia, born July 25, 1915 (now deceased); and Tom Spotswood, born November 4, 1918. Tom is now a first lieutenant in a tank destroyer battalion, stationed at present at Camp Bowie, Texas.