D.A.R. Application for Mrs. Harriett Martha Kelley France
claiming descent from Austin Yancey
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Application for Membership

To The national Society

of the Daughters of the American Revolution

State: Nebraska

City: Omaha

Name of Chapter: Major Isaac Sadler

National Number: 219768

Mrs. Harriett Martha Kelley France

Wife of Joseph Ernest France

Residence: 1141 South 33rd St, Omaha Nebr

Descendant of: Austin Yancey (1752 - ) Private

The undersigned have investigated and approved the applicant and her application

December 18 1925
Russell M Baker - Chapter Regent
Laura W Finlayson - Chapter Secretary
Betty A Smith - Chapter Registrar

Application and duplicate received by National Society Dec 28 1925

. . .

Give below references, by volume and page, to the documentary or other authorities upon which you found your record:

History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - Vol 4 p 726-727 - being a biographical sketch of Edmund Levi Kelley, uncle of applicant, whose father, William H Kelley, is mentioned on age 727.

Family records in possession of said Edmund Levi Kelley - 702 S Fuller Ave, Independence, MO - a portion of which he obtained a number of years ago while on a visit to the Southern States.

Rutherford County, N.C. Marriage bonds


Give if possible the following data:

My Revolutionary Ancestor was married to Sarah Garrison at Rutherford Co., N.C. 1775


Austin - Date of Birth: 1776
Daughter (name unknown)
Daughter (name unknown)
Nancy - Date of Birth: 22 Aug 1787 - [married] Benjamin Franklin Kelley


I Harriett Martha Kelley France, being of the age of eighteen years and upwards, hereby apply for membership in the Society by right of lineal descent in the following line from Austin Yancey who was born in Tyson [Tryon] Co., N.C. on the 29th day of August 1752 and died in Fulton County, Illinois after the 8th day of Oct 1833. His place of residence during the Revolution was Rutherford Co., North Carolina.

I was born in Kitland, County of Lake, State of Ohio.

1) I am the daughter of William Henry Kelley, born 1 Apr 1841, died 14 Aug 1915 and his wife Nancey Ellen Campbell born 28 Jan 1851, died 20 Mar 1907, married Dec 1868.

2) The said William Henry Kelley was the son of Richard Yancey Kelley, born 23 Jan 1814, died 10 June 1861 and his wife Sarah Elizabeth Frances Ballowe, born 3 July 1814, died 18 Nov 1873, married 31 May 1837.

3) The said Richard Yancey Kelley, was the son of Benjamin Franklin Kelley, born 4 Mar 1784, died after 1840 and his wife Nancy Yancey, born 22 Aug 1787, died aft 1840, married 1805.

4) The said Nancy Yancey, was the daughter of Austin Yancey, born 29 Aug 1752 - died After Oct 8 1833, and his wife Sarah Garrison, born 1746, died 1790, married 2-11-1775.

And he the said, Austin Yancey is the ancestor who assisted in establishing American Independence while acting in the capacity of Private.


My ancestor's services in assisting in the establishment of American Independence during the War of the Revolution were as follows:

[From a letter addressed signed by Winfield Scott, commisioner and dated October 8 1925 at Wahington DC US Dept of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions, Rev & War of 1812 section.]

"I have to advise you from the papers in the Revolutionary War Pension Application Claim R 11921 it appears that Austin Yancey while residing in Rutherford County, North Carolina, enlisted in 1775 under Col. William Graham in the N.Car Militia , and was ordered by him to take twenty men and go to Chimney Mountain to guard the mountain passes against the Cherokee Indians.

He returned in September 1775, having served four and one half months.

While on a visit to relatives in South Carolina, he served from May 22 1781 to June 19 1781, at the Seige of Ninety Six - in Capt. Obid Holloways Company. Col. Henderson's South Carolina Regiment.

He applied for pension Oct 8 1833, while a resident of Franklin Co., Ill aged eighty-one years, one month, and ten days, but the claim was not allowed as he did not serve six months as required by the pension law. There is no data on file as to his family. "

[From a letter signed by Georgia L. Osborne, Assistant Librarian, Illinois State Historical Library, dated Oct 24 1925, at Springfield, Ill]

"Your letter addressed to the Adjutant General has been referred to this department and in reply will say that Austin Yancey served in the South Carolina troops from Granville Co. He came to Fulton County, Illinois and applied for a pension but having served less than six months it was not grabted. He is buried in Fulton County, Illinois

In the U.S. Census of 1790 Austin Yancey of Greenville County, South Carolina has 1 white male under 16 years of age, and 6 white females, including his wife, head of family"

Said census record is found on page 68, First Census of U.S. 1790. South Carolina