A biography of Bartlett Yancey of Caswell County, North Carolina - found in the James Sprunt Historical Publications series -reads as follows:
[James Sprnt Historical Publication - Bartlett Yancey by George A Anderson - 1911] <click previous link for full text>
"Bartlett Yancey, on his paternal side, was of Welsh extraction. An early ancestor was an Episcopal minister, ordained by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Three of his sons, Louis, Henry, and Richard emigrated from England to America, but when is not known to the family. Henry and Richard settled in Virginia and became citizens of usefulness and influence. Louis Yancey located in Granville County, NC and his son Bartlett Yancey Sr moved to Caswell . . . "
Although, often quoted, the above statements have been proven to be incorrect. Bartlett Yancey Sr (Father of the more famous Bartlett Yancey Jr.) was the son of James Yancey of Granville County, Virginia - as proven by the will of James Yancey . The Yancey who was the Episcopal Minister - was one Rev. Robert Yancey - who indeed did get ordained by the Bishop of Canterbury - and settled in Louisa Couunty Virginia - This Rev. Robert Yancey - was a nephew of James Yancey of Granville - and the will of Rev. Robert Yancey (also found on the Web Page) shows that he did not have sons Louis Henry & Richard.
Louis (Lewis), Henry & Richard were NOT immigrants but indeed among the early Yanceys of America. It was Lewis (Davis) & Richard (son of Charles) Yancey who settled in Virginia and it was James Yancey who settled in North Carolina and had son Bartlett. These "brothers" were NOT immigrants.