Yanceys involved in the
Gold Rush
of Early Nevada and California
Ancestry: Edmond H. Yancey, son of Jesse P., son of Hiram John Sr, son of Austin Yancey
From the "Life History of Edmond H. Yancey":
Edmond H. Yancey , son of Jesse Pratt Yancey and Susannah Catharine Hagler was born 17 July 1855 at Fort Weber (Odgen) Utah, where his parents lived three years.
When Ed was two years old (1857) his parents with the rest of the Yancey families . . . left in the night for Ft Bridger, forty miles away, where some soldiers were stationed. They had just met the soldiers when the Mormons arrived on their trail. They had quite a time with them but they finally won out and went on with the soldiers to Ft Bridger, then on to Carson City, Nevada where another son Jesse Pratt Jr. was born 5 Sept 1857.
While in Carson City, Jesse Yancey was hired to haul poles for Manuel Penrod and a Mr. Comstock, who had a placer mine. While hauling he uncovered the main ledge and they gave him an interest in the mine. He thinking it no good and of a roving disposition traded his interest to the two men for a yoke of oxen and with his family and the rest of the Yanceys went to Placerville, California where another son James was born in 1861 (in reference to the mine: Later Mr. Penrod sold his interest for a thousand dollars, bur Mr. Comstock held his and the company froze him out. The mine was named the Yellow Jacket and proved to be the richest mine on the Pacific Coast)
There were over 100 China-men mining in the creek in the front of the Yanceys. A stump fell on one and killed him. The rest were superstitious and all left. During this stay there at Placerville flour was cheap, but at Carson City they could get one dollar a pound. Edmond's father and Hiram and Wm. Riley packed 10 horses with 200 pounds each and started to Carson City thinking to make some easy money, as they had only paid 75 cents a sack for it. They were snowed in on the way in the mountains and had to feed the flower to the horses and almost starved themselves before they could get out. Hiram went blind a few years after and thought it was caused by being their so long in the snow.
During the Gold Rush to California Edmond, who was at that time six years old, and well remembered the gold nuggets and what a lot of them there were. Also remembers the jewelry men that were robbed and murdered by Three Fingered Jack, the gambler. This Jack, the gambler, was accused of crime and hanged to a tree the next day. Ed remembers running a mile to see him hanging on the tree.